KING 發表於 2011-2-16 14:38

Very simple................

Big_McIn 發表於 2011-2-16 14:37

    吓!{:6_121:} 仲意你地去海裡活捉添!{:6_136:}

googleli 發表於 2011-2-17 20:29

Big McIntosh師兄, 家陣我仲係用緊跟機電源線, 請問師兄

(1) 係咪照番晒英式, Amp搵條靚英線直插牆, DAC就可用拖板都得?
(2)SINE60有無問題?定係MA好D? 請問呢兩隻有沒有Power conditioning的?
(3) 英式3-5K左右一條有乜好介紹? (分別俾膽擴和DAC用)

Big_McIn 發表於 2011-2-18 03:50

本帖最後由 Big_McIn 於 2011-2-18 10:19 編輯

Big McIntosh師兄, 家陣我仲係用緊跟機電源線, 請問師兄
(1) 係咪照番晒英式, Amp搵條靚英線直插牆, DAC就可用拖板都得?
(2)SINE60有無問題?定係MA好D? 請問呢兩隻有沒有Power conditioning的?
(3) 英式3-5K左右一條有乜好介紹? (分別俾膽擴和DAC用)
googleli 發表於 2011-2-17 20:29


1.        使用一些大功率原子粒機例如Krell, Mark Levinson等,它們輸出功率在8/4 ohms負載之間會有雙倍分別,故此在4 ohms時耗電量龐大,需在牆身取電。但一些輸出只有30~50w /ch的膽機( McIntosh 2301和Audio Research R 610T等大Tube Mono Amp除外) ,基於膽機輸出在8/4/2 ohms 負載都一樣的特性下,在優質濾波拖板取電也未嘗不可,倘若牆身有座,當然Amp在牆座直接取電最好,英式 vs美式,自己選擇;其他器材如CDP, BDP, DAC在濾波拖板取電,絕對正確。

2.        倘若不論價錢、認証、綽頭、IEC Amp數等角度,只須*1875w/2500w耗電承受量的話,SINE是一隻可選用濾波拖板。至於30A和60A两個號型分別,除60A有BS 13A選擇外,待看看它們用料的分別來抉擇罷。

SAF - 30A :Features and Specification
30Amps Hi-End EMI Filter is employed
Maximum Loading: 6600 Watts (220V) --- 220v x 30A = 6600w(*綽頭)
12 AWG Solid Core Copper is used in internal wiring
Extra thick Gold plated outlet and IEC male with Cryogenic Treatment
Damping Material filled inside the chassis to reduce resonance and unwanted vibration
25 amps Circuit Breaker are with Cryogenic Treatment
Equiped with Hi-End Grade Compensation Capacitor
A Special compensation circuit to enhance the flow the electricity
15mm Aluminium Alloy Chassis
Input Voltage: 100 - 250VAC / 50Hz - 60 Hz
Dimension: (L) 290mm (H) 90mm (W) 125mm
Net Weight: 5.7 KG
Gross Weight: 6 KG
Colour: Black, Silver

SAF-60A Parallel Power Conditioner : Features and Specification
60Amps Hi-End EMI Filter is employed
Maximum Loading: 13200 Watts (220V) --- 220v x 60A = 13200w(*綽頭)
All parts done with Cryogenic Treatment
12 AWG Mulit Strand Silver and Solid Core Copper are used in internal wiring
Extra thick Gold plated outlet and IEC male with Cryogenic Treatment
Damping Material filled inside the chassis to reduce resonance and unwanted vibration
25 amps Circuit Breaker are with Cryogenic Treatment
15mm Aluminium Alloy Chassis
Input Voltage: 100 - 250VAC / 50Hz - 60 Hz
Dimension: (L) 323 mm (H) 135 mm (W) 165 mm
Net Weight: 14 KG
Gross Weight: 16 KG
Colour: Silver
**Quoted from SINE**

*指EMI濾波元件單獨最高電流承受量,並非成品最高電流承受量,原文將數據放在Input Voltage低處。

SAF-60A Parallel Power Conditioner
Features and Specification
60Amps Hi-End EMI Filter is employed
All parts done with Cryogenic Treatment
12 AWG Mulit Strand Silver and Solid Core Copper are used in internal wiring
Extra thick Gold plated outlet and IEC male with Cryogenic Treatment
Damping Material filled inside the chassis to reduce resonance and unwanted vibration
25 amps Circuit Breaker are with Cryogenic Treatment
15mm Aluminium Alloy Chassis
Input Voltage: 100 - 250VAC / 50Hz - 60 Hz
Maximum Loading: 13200 Watts (220V), 6600 Watts (110V)
Dimension: (L) 323 mm (H) 135 mm (W) 165 mm
Net Weight: 14 KG
Gross Weight: 16 KG
Colour: Silver

以上規格,可以清楚看出两者分別是使用不同大小的EMI 濾波器,但因整個成品電流承載能力是決定在插座、IEC、電源線和Breaker的電流承載能力身上,現探討一吓30A/60A在實際使用的分別。

現以30A Model的6600 Watts (220V) EMI為例,因美座的1875w,IEC 250v 10A = 2500w和25 amps Circuit Breaker 250v 25A = 6250w規限,EMI的電流承載能力不論怎樣加大,最後成品最的電流承載能力都是受美座的*1875w最低值限制。因此,使用美座model,不論30A和60A,它們的最後成品電流承載能力都一樣,使用起來是無分別。

但如選購BS 60A model,因為BS 250v 13A = 3250w和IEC 250v 10A = 2500w比較下,60A model就可充分利用IEC的特性,讓更多電流通過 – *2500w,實際使用便比30A/60A美座model為佳。

3.   有關電源接線,倘若選用SINE濾波拖板,自然選用它們的接線。如要用接線較聲,就可以考慮AQ的DBS model。

Big_McIn 發表於 2011-2-21 08:01

本帖最後由 Big_McIn 於 2011-2-21 09:09 編輯

yjfnog 發表於 2011-2-8 23:37


對SINE 30A/60A的內部混亂規格,有什么問題不明呢?






A/B高速公路本身差異,正好代表30A/60A EMI濾波器的差別,美插/座就相等橋樑。60A(B路)不會因為本身60Amp(5線行車,120公里/小時車速),電流承受量會比30A(A路 -- 2線行車,時速80公里/小時)優勝。   

yjfnog 發表於 2011-2-21 15:56

回復 3174# Big_McIn

是否由原来電箱各自獨立加多五、六個15Amp MCB就可以拉線?

Big_McIn 發表於 2011-2-22 03:23

本帖最後由 Big_McIn 於 2011-2-22 15:05 編輯

是否由原来電箱各自獨立加多五、六個15Amp MCB就可以拉線?
yjfnog 發表於 2011-2-21 15:56


Lexicon話比你聽 -- 英式/美式供電的分別

Lexicon是眾所皆知的美國AV State-Of-The-Art產品公司,它所生產的MC12HD拒用DolbyHD/DTSHD,只使用LPCM配合自己研發的Logic 7,風靡世界,中國富豪,津津樂道。Lexicon自然生產Multi Channel Power Amp來配答MC12HD。它的旗艦ZX 7,提供300w/450w per ch x 7 @8/4 ohms,耗電量自然比Anthem P5 的325w/500w per ch x 5 @ 8/4 ohms 和Bryston 14B sst 600w/900w per ch x 2 @ 8/4 ohms為大,因此,Lexicon生產此大牛龜巨無霸時,在電源供應方面,仔細地設計,就待看看它的英文描述罷。

The AC input connector provides power to the unit with the supplied power cord. The 120 VAC version of the RX-7 is supplied with a 20 Amp power cord with a NEMA-5-20P plug on one end. The 120 VAC version of the ZX-7 is supplied with a two 15 Amp power cords with standard NEMA-5-15P plugs on one end. The NEMA 5-20P power cord has a different prong configuration than the average typical 15A household plug. The 120 VAC version of the RX-7 requires a dedicated circuit with a single 20 Amp outlet installed. The 20 Amp outlet has a different prong configuration from the 15 Amp outlet. Dedicated circuits typically are connected directly to the service entrance of the building. The 120 VAC version of the ZX-7 has two power cords. Each power cord must be plugged in to a separate 15 Amp circuit. Separate circuits typically are connected to different circuit breakers at the service entrance of the building. Do not attempt these wiring changes by yourself, instead hire a licensed qualified electrician.

** Quoted from Lexicon**

上文意思說明在230v地區,ZX 7使用一條電源線,但在120v地區,則使用兩條15A電源線,還要接駁入两個不同的15 Amp 獨立電源。

這又是一個實例,250v 13A規格下所提供的電流量,是比125v 15A 規格強很多。

所以,依照英式多用四、五個MCB來做四、五個獨立電,供電必定比使用一個SINE 60A濾波拖板強x倍。

大家又可以比較一吓PS Audio美國大廠和淘宝、SINE等未受BS,CSA,UL等認証,在廣告之間之分別。

Let’s take a tour
The Quintet provides up to 1750 watts of clean and protected AC which is enough power for even the most demanding systems.Whether it’s an audio based two-channel system or a video based multi-channel home theater, 1750 watts will power pretty much anything you have.
**Quoted from PS Audio**

美国EMISSION CONTROL电源处理器超大功率220V 75A 16500W

SAF-60A Parallel Power Conditioner Features and Specification
60Amps Hi-End EMI Filter is employed
All parts done with Cryogenic Treatment
12 AWG Mulit Strand Silver and Solid Core Copper are used in internal wiring
Extra thick Gold plated outlet and IEC male with Cryogenic Treatment
Damping Material filled inside the chassis to reduce resonance and unwanted vibration
25 amps Circuit Breaker are with Cryogenic Treatment
15mm Aluminium Alloy Chassis
Input Voltage: 100 - 250VAC / 50Hz - 60 Hz
Maximum Loading: 13200 Watts (220V), 6600 Watts (110V)
Dimension: (L) 323 mm (H) 135 mm (W) 165 mm
Net Weight: 14 KG
Gross Weight: 16 KG
Colour: Silver



本人所述的種種實例和Ohm's Law都是有根有據的分柝,並非一些主觀的個人感受評價,兩者有明顯分別。

Big_McIn 發表於 2011-2-22 14:19

Big 兄, 攞番支鏡啦 加 埋2x extender, 應該可以勉強影雀啦!所以本星期日約了幾條友仔去影相呢!
waicsl 發表於 2011-2-15 18:24



yjfnog 發表於 2011-2-22 21:02

回復 3176# Big_McIn




waicsl 發表於 2011-2-22 22:18

本帖最後由 waicsl 於 2011-2-22 22:40 編輯


Big_McIn 發表於 2011-2-22 14:19

    星期日煙雨迷濛, 成班老友轉為團拜, 影相活動延期一兩星期! 有時間會找回舊相, 太多數碼相要整理

   多謝你有心有誠意的解答"電"的疑惑.我一定用英式, 買有認証的, 安全為上

waicsl 發表於 2011-2-22 22:28

(1) 係咪照番晒英式, Amp搵條靚英線直插牆, DAC就 ...
googleli 發表於 2011-2-17 20:29

    師兄, #3173 Big 兄的回覆 ,{:1_330:}
頁: 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 [318] 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327
查看完整版本: 1.2KWvs2301#3747(16-02更新)唯美主義派 有品味視覺享受

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