johnnylhs 發表於 2017-7-12 22:52

Dune Solo 4K Media Player 媒體播放器



港島地鐵站沿線相約交收,HKD1,900,如有興趣購買請 pm 我。

Dune HD Solo 4K is the most universal solution for playback of 4K and FullHD video, high-quality audio, IPTV and VOD content, digital TV channels. Supporting most digital audio and video formats, including the most modern HEVC video codec with the support for 1 billion of colors (10-bit color encoding), all modern 3D video standards such as MVC, SBS and TnB, audiophile HD audio with high resolution up to 24-bit /192 KHz, Dune HD Solo 4K sets an entirely new standard. Dune HD Solo 4K is equipped with two USB ports, an internal 2.5” SATA HDD bay, 1Gbit Ethernet, 802.11ac Dual Band 2T2R Wi-Fi.

Media processor: Sigma Designs SMP8758
Flash memory: 4GB
Connectors: 2x USB 2.0 (1x rear, 1x front), HDMI 1.4b, composite video and analog stereo audio (via 3.5mm A/V connector with 3xRCA adapter included), coaxial S/PDIF (on A/V connector via software switch), IR extender port with IR eye cable included, Ethernet 10/100/1000 Mbit/s, two external Wi-Fi antennas, DVB-T/T2 RF IN, 12V DC IN power connector with on/off switch
Internal storage: Internal HDD rack for SATA HDD 2.5" (5-7mm)
Media sources: external HDD (USB), external optical drive (USB), USB devices (USB flash drive, USB card reader, etc), PC and NAS in local network (SMB, NFS, UPnP, HTTP), other Internet and local network media sources
Video codecs: MPEG2, MPEG4, XVID, WMV9, VC1, H.264, H.265, H.265 Hi10p; support for very high bitrate video (up to 100 Mbit/s and higher)
3D video formats: MVC, Side-by-side, Top/Bottom
Video output modes: wide range of supported output resolutions (up to 1080p60 and 4Kp30) and framerates (including 23.976, 25, 29.97, 50, 59.94)
Video output framerate: automatic (according to the played content) and manual
Video output resolution: automatic (according to the played content) and manual
Audio codecs: MPEG-1/2 layer I/II/III, AAC, LPCM, WMA, WMAPro, FLAC, multichannel FLAC, Vorbis, WavPack, APE (Monkey's Audio), ALAC (Apple lossless), AC3 (Dolby Digital), DTS; support for very high quality audio (up to 192 kHz / 24-bit); HD audio bitstream passthrough
Audio file formats: MP3, MPA, M4A, AAC, WAV, WMA, FLAC, Ogg/Vorbis, WavPack, APE (Monkey’s Audio), ALAC (Apple lossless), AC3, DTS, DTS-WAV
Subtitle formats: SRT (external), SUB (MicroDVD) (external), text (MKV), SSA/ASS (MKV, external), VobSub (MP4, MKV, external SUB/IDX), PGS (Blu-ray, TS, MKV)
Hardware 3D Graphics Acceleration: OpenGL support
Picture file formats: JPEG, PNG, BMP, GIF
Playlist file formats: M3U, PLS, CUE
Photo viewer functions: slideshow, transition effects, picture rotation, zoom, browse playlist, repeat, shuffle
Audio playback functions: browse playlist, repeat, shuffle, ID3 tags, plasma TV burn-in prevention
Media streaming protocols: DASH, HLS, FTP, MPEG-TS over multicast-UDP, MPEG-TS over multicast-RTP, MPEG-TS over RTSP, MPEG-TS over HTTP, MP4 over HTTP, raw-MP3 over HTTP, raw-AAC over HTTP
Network file browsing: SMB client and browser, NFS client, UPnP/DLNA client and browser
Built-in NAS function: SMB server, FTP server, UPnP/DLNA media server
Network protocols for remote control and integration: Dune HD IP control protocol (HTTP), UPnP/DLNA media renderer
UPnP/DLNA: DLNA client, DLNA media server, DLNA media renderer
Web browser: WebKit
Ethernet: 10/100/1000 Mbit/s
Wi-Fi: Internal Wi-Fi module with 802.11b/g/n/ac support, Dual Band 2.4/5GHz, 2T2R, two antennas; Wi-Fi client, Wi-Fi access point/router
Filesystems: FAT16/FAT32 (read-write), EXT2/EXT3/EXT4 (read-write), NTFS (read-write)

jackiese 發表於 2017-10-21 12:39


pfung 發表於 2017-11-27 22:53

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