大佬John 發表於 2009-12-10 10:55

fw The first patch for Assassin’s Creed 2

本帖最後由 大佬John 於 2009-12-10 10:57 編輯

我個人只中過紅字, 藍字果D聽人講中過, 好慘要重打.

The first patch for Assassin’s Creed 2 has been announced!

Thanks to the feedback you provided the developers were able to quickly fix some of the issues that would prevent some of you from fully enjoying the game. The patch will be released today on Playstation 3 and on December 11th for the Xbox 360.

We hope you are all looking forward to the upcoming downloadable content, and we would be glad to hear about your feedback on the patch. If you have any remaining or new issues, feel free to contact our support http://support.ubi.com/ or post a thread here in the forums.

The patch notes are listed below. Thank you all for your patience and feedback.

Patch notes

Fixed: Situation specific bugs

After the player has resolved a glyph (when the unlock code message appears), if the player presses A and B (for 360, X and O on PS3) repeatedly and quickly, the video will appear in full screen, and he will get stuck in "the truth menu".

Fast Travel
Some feedback states that Ezio loses the ability to interact with the fast travel stations.

Free roaming/Parkour
In extremely rare occasions a bug allows Ezio to walk on air.

Auditore Cape
When first equipping or re-equipping the Auditore cape, users in the Villa become notorious even if the cape description says otherwise.

Altair’s armour
While wearing Altair's armour the game crashes when performing multiple consecutive double assassinations.

The game occasionally crashes if the player dies in Toscana, the player is stuck in the animus loading screen.

Ezio and NPCs may get stuck beneath map if pushed in water.

Animus Loading Screen
There were reports of the game crashing while the player is in the Animus loading screen

Fixed: Mission specific issues

Sequence 05 Mission 01
The game froze after completing the mission and following certain steps.

Sequence 06 Mission 02
An extremely rare issue could make the game freeze while Ezio is fighting the guards.

Sequence 07 Mission 02
Sometimes the civilians knocked down by Rosa could “float”.

Sequence 07 Mission 07
When the user is in an open conflict, under specific situations the game crashed.

Sequence 08 “Venezia”
If a player desynchronises during the flying machine sequence, the player sometimes spawned near Leo's workshop and not on the tower.

Secret Location: “Vizitatione”
The user remains stuck after locking onto the agile guard with the gun.

Sequence 11 Mission 05
The user cannot continue gameplay after quitting and loading the game. They are stuck in the hideout.

Sequence 14 Mission 02
The user falls through the texture if he is hit with rocks by the guards while climbing

Sound enhancement:

5.1 LPCM support

Community Coordinator
Ubisoft UK

marcolau 發表於 2009-12-10 12:56


大佬John 發表於 2009-12-10 13:06

本帖最後由 大佬John 於 2009-12-10 13:08 編輯

The user cannot continue gameplay after quitting and loading the game. They are stuck in the hideout.

呢個, 佢auto save完, 出game再入返game就係結局hideout果度, 但係D人唔見晒, 乜都做唔到..
頁: [1]
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