djaddy 發表於 2009-12-9 08:27

Celica 發表於 2009-12-9 03:07

Thx! added as per request.

paulching 發表於 2009-12-9 11:46

關於頭同線材的問題, 我補充一下個問題例如換hdmi線可以提升效果最多10分
咁換插頭提升會唔會明顯效果多過10, 定係只有一半的影響力、有或者差不多


djaddy 發表於 2009-12-9 15:35

本帖最後由 djaddy 於 2009-12-9 15:45 編輯

關於頭同線材的問題, 我補充一下個問題例如換hdmi線可以提升效果最多10分
咁換插頭提升會唔會明顯效果多過10, 定係只有一半的影響力、有或者差不多

我指係比較兩者對系統的影響性大小. ...
paulching 發表於 2009-12-9 11:46


When comparing different products, it is best to compare apple to apple. When you compare a power cord plug with an HDMI cable, surely this is no absolute answer. A power plug will make an audible/ video difference in any system. There is no law or rule to govern which component is more important. You must understand that each component plays a sufficient role in every AV system. The general rule of thumb is 10% cost on cables & 90% cost on equipment.


juniorx 發表於 2009-12-9 16:06

我用緊呢隻英式wall plate牌子Hager譜通貨色(如圖), 想張"左邊"(1個英式)改成"2個美式".{:6_122:}
1. 個面阪好大力都撬唔開, 點開?
2. 係唔係兩個都要換晒?
3. 定係要變成兩個獨立, 一邊美一邊英+兩塊獨立面板呢?甘個底廂又上唔上倒兩塊獨立面板呢?
4. 有咩美式可以fit倒落去?
幫幫手, 比d hints{:6_147:}

djaddy 發表於 2009-12-9 20:32

我用緊呢隻英式wall plate牌子Hager譜通貨色(如圖), 想張"左邊"(1個英式)改成"2個美式".{:6_122:}
1. 個面阪好大力都撬唔開, 點開?
2. 係唔係兩個都要換晒?
3. 定係要變成兩個獨立, 一邊美一邊英+兩 ...
juniorx 發表於 2009-12-9 16:06

Sorry Juniorx hing, just a little side track. Before you do anything else, pls change your the pc for your Panasonic TH-P50S10H. 屏蔽 of 83803 is terrible, which affects the performance of your tv greatly. I tested 83803 with my boss, even she could tell there is a big difference... which is quite rare, btw.

For your wall socket, it's very likely that you will need to change to either all US plugs or just upgrade your existing socket to new UK plates. Let me see if I can find any pics to show you why.

juniorx 發表於 2009-12-9 21:10

我正想甘做, 如果我張其中"一個UK wall socket" upgrade做"兩個US socket", 就可以一個插amp一個插tv, tv唔使落拖板又可以用US pc.
用US plug可以多d選擇.
btw, tv用咩pc好呀? nanotech 302+wattgate 5266i+national IEC?
amp我諗緊aet hin evo+wattgate or aet, OK嗎?
Thank Ching.

djaddy 發表於 2009-12-9 21:48

You will be able to fit 4 US sockets in your existing dual UK socket.

I recommend 302 for bdp. Because it's good for video & audio. For TV, use NeoTech 4003, cheaper than 302 by 50% & video quality is outstanding.

juniorx 發表於 2009-12-9 22:46

Neotech係唔係33買? 有無街餔做?
再問係唔係一定要UPGRADE做4個US? 唔夠UK SOCKET?

juniorx 發表於 2009-12-9 22:50

Sorry Juniorx hing, just a little side track. Before you do anything else, pls change your the pc for your Panasonic TH-P50S10H. 屏蔽 of 83803 is terrible, which affects the performance of your tv g ...
djaddy 發表於 9-12-2009 08:32 PM
Please help me to find some pics to illustrate your thought, thanks

djaddy 發表於 2009-12-9 22:58

本帖最後由 djaddy 於 2009-12-9 23:00 編輯

Neotech係唔係33買? 有無街餔做?
再問係唔係一定要UPGRADE做4個US? 唔夠UK SOCKET?
juniorx 發表於 2009-12-9 22:46

As mentioned,

1. UK socket: 飛fuse既英插 because 接觸穩定, 有力量 & 厚度.
good for av amp & subwoofer

2. US socket: will improve 動態,分析力, 音場, 空氣感等等都有相當的改善.
good for source & DAC

Personally, it's best to add an US pb for source & DAC to lower the harmonic vibrations that exists in wall sockets.

I prefer TV @ my ly-202 pb.
頁: 1 2 3 4 5 [6] 7 8 9 10
查看完整版本: 英式頭 vs 美式頭 (有咩分別)

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