選擇困難 Sony 55x9300d vs LG 55c6p
現役sony 46w950a 一直想入部4k放睡房主要駁pc同電視
難得兩部都水尾 跌到17k左右 點揀好
本帖最後由 wklie 於 2017-6-7 10:35 編輯
If you will connect it to PC for any substantial amount of time, there is a higher risk of burn-in for OLED.So LCD such as X9300D is less risky (although I prefer OLED picture quality).
http://i.rtings.com/images/reviews/e6/e6-user-retention-2-large.jpg wklie 發表於 2017-6-7 09:01
If you will connect it to PC for any substantial amount of time, there is a higher risk of burn-in f ...
可惜 仲想試下曲面oled
惟有揀sony 多謝wklie兄提醒