[轉貼] 我把RWA AK380amp拆了
手欠,我把RWA AK380amp拆了,真相竟然是用GOOGLE搜吧就能搜出來... 那電池好像快要爆了 RWA六年前已被我blacklist,永不再買。 原來erji有條feed討論,我send去mod之前都冇睇過,其實我唔明強國巴打up乜,意思係咪又spin緊換少少嘢收咁貴好過去搶? 做咩咁多手 咁人哋都要research cost嘅{:1_245:} 本帖最後由 nanaholic 於 2017-6-7 21:51 編輯
RWAK380AMP Modification Details
- Add 25x additional (super-low ESR) capacitance to headphone outputs stages’ +/- voltage rails.We hard wire it to the PCB via short, high-purity Cardas Golden Section Litz copper wiring.This enhances the headphone output stages to provide high peak output current when needed.
NOTE: 25x added capacitance is NOT a typo – there is only a small amount of capacitance on the voltage rails of the headphone output stages, and we use energy-dense, super-low ESR capacitance to strengthen the voltage rails considerably.
- Add 25x additional capacitance (super-low ESR) in parallel with the battery via short, high-purity Cardas Golden Section Litz copper wiring.This enhances the internal battery pack’s ability to provide high peak output current when needed.
- Hard wire from the 4-pin BAL input pins directly to volume control IC via short, high-purity Cardas Golden Section Litz copper wiring (bypassing ribbon cable and connectors)
- Hard wire from amplifier output stage directly to 2.5mm TRRS BAL headphone output via short, high-purity Cardas Golden Section Litz copper wiring (bypassing ribbon cable and connectors)
tl;dr 咁人哋真係講到明係換幾粒電容同加幾條電線之嘛 {:6_134:} 本帖最後由 jaffeinism 於 2017-6-8 07:33 編輯
呢三粒似係蘇聯仔flim cap, USD1.5/pc
http://www.partsconnexion.com/capacitor_film_russian_smica.html d插頭呀線呀嘅製造價錢你估又好貴? {:6_138:}