ant9284 發表於 2017-5-23 09:38

Lana Del Rey - Lust For Life (Official Video) ft. The Weeknd


Climb up the H of the Hollywood sign, yeah
In these stolen moments
The world is mine (doo wop, doo wop)
There's nobody here, just us together (shadoop, shadoop)
Keepin' me hot like July forever

'Cause we're the masters of our own fate
We're the captains of our own souls
There's no way for us to come away
'Cause boy we're gold, boy we're gold
And I was like...

Take off, take off
Take off all your clothes
Take off, take off
Take off all your clothes
Take off, take off
Take off all of your clothes
They say only the good die young
That just ain't right
'Cause we're having too much fun
Too much fun tonight, yeah

And a lust for life, and a lust for life
And a lust for life, and a lust for life
Keeps us alive, keeps us alive
Keeps us alive, keeps us alive
And a lust for life, and a lust for life
And a lust for life, and a lust for life
Keeps us alive, keeps us alive
Keeps us alive, keeps us alive

Then, we dance on the H of the Hollywood sign, yeah
'Til we run out of breath, gotta dance 'til we die (doo wop, doo wop)
My boyfriend's back
And he's cooler than ever (shadoop, shadoop)
There's no more night, blue skies forever

'Cause we're the masters of our own fate
We're the captains of our own souls
So there's no need for us to hesitate
We're all alone, let's take control
And I was like...

Take off, take off
Take off all your clothes
Take off, take off
Take off all your clothes
Take off, take off
Take off all of your clothes
They say only the good die young
That just ain't right
'Cause we're having too much fun
Too much fun tonight, yeah

And a lust for life, and a lust for life
And a lust for life, and a lust for life
Keeps us alive, keeps us alive
Keeps us alive, keeps us alive
And a lust for life, and a lust for life
And a lust for life, and a lust for life
Keeps us alive, keeps us alive
Keeps us alive, keeps us alive

My boyfriend's back and he's cooler than ever
There's no more night, blue skies forever
I told you twice in our love letter
There's no stopping now, green lights forever
And I was like...

Take off, take off
Take off all your clothes
Take off, take off
Take off all your clothes
Take off, take off
Take off all of your clothes

And a lust for life, and a lust for life
And a lust for life, and a lust for life
Keeps us alive, keeps us alive
Keeps us alive, keeps us alive
And a lust for life, and a lust for life
And a lust for life, and a lust for life
Keeps us alive, keeps us alive
Keeps us alive, keeps us alive
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