兩隻 HRS 8 定一隻 HRS 12
如果我個 Amp support 兩隻 Sub, 兩隻 HRS 8 會好D定一隻 HRS 12 好D呢?兩隻 12 又唔係好夠位... 又驚太誇張... 又貴 (差到多買到 JL )
THX 一隻HRS 12 啦{:6_182:} 你個廳幾大?
如果有足夠地方兩隻10吋就good晒! 部amp有7.2/9.2咪試下玩兩部hrs8吧 It depend on how big on the listen area. One HR 12 is the good choice. HR12 have deeper bass then HR 8 ah. If you can place two subwoofers at each side,then take it! 當日我由8吋升上12吋都有呢個問題,經各方高人指教,一隻12吋好D,因兩隻8吋量係夠,但最低果浸始終出唔到,最終睇你要咩?
如兩隻8吋加少少買JL 仲正..........{:6_174:} I prefer buy one 12 first...
after few months buy another I prefer buy one 12 first...
after few months buy another
stevenwong99 發表於 2010-1-14 20:51 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Play 2 sub with same brand? 我會選1隻12"