我自己一值用緊 Lowepro Rover AW II 的背包。其實都用咗好多年 LU.... 容量都算 OK (一機三鏡一閃絕對唔係問題)不過就每次要換鏡拎機收機都比較麻煩。
最近就睇下有冇其他選擇,見到 Lowepro 的 Classified AW200,覺得唔錯,唔知有冇師兄用緊呢?
同埋唔知大家用緊乜野相機袋呢? i think classified AW200 is good.. if you want a backpack type and able to switch lens fast...
basically I have a Rover AW too for N years.. also I have a Reporter 500... and a small DOMKE shoulder bag... I used Primus AW...is so good for me!{:6_193:} kata都唔錯 我用CompuPrimus AW 非常方便! http://products.lowepro.com/product/Flipside-300,2083.htm Thanks...I also considered Primus / compuprimus before... but the weight seem too heavy for me.... (2.9/3.5 KG) vs Rower II 1.51 KG...
Flipside 300 is quite good, big volume + light (1.2 Kg), let me check it out in tin cheung later sin... :D 用左Domke幾年,非常好用又輕身又專業.{:6_182:}