Wiz33 發表於 2017-5-28 03:51

本帖最後由 Wiz33 於 2017-5-28 05:17 編輯

伏喱哩 發表於 2017-5-27 17:21

Music is so personal. What makes you or qualify you to say what is good or bad for everyone? While Bianca's voice may not the best to some and you can certainly find jazz albums featuring a singer with a wider pitch range, richer vocals. It may not be for everyone. I listen to relax and I find her vocal range is relaxing for me and that's good enough.I also look at it as supporting the HK music industry as a whole and hopefully if other companies see this as a profitable market. It will attract other singers and we may see higher quality music again. It's pretty much the question of the chicken and the egg. Also, as I said before, if those of us that can afford it does not support the smaller "indie" singers, then HK music is truly dead and you'll never see anything better. I have so many CD from varies artist from all over the world that I have not even open and may never open. Some are even from street performer in varies country, I just want to show support where I can.

killua 發表於 2017-5-28 12:24



講唱功,呢D野好主觀,唔鍾意你唱到識飛都冇用,你一樣唔會買,唔通叫王菲唱TWINS D歌會好聽D?有時聽野唔係一定要唱到字正腔圓先好聽,講氣氛

Wiz33 發表於 2017-5-28 13:00

I know it's common in online forums. But I just don't understand the negativity sometimes. Sure, everyone will have their own favorites but why do people needs to "talk down" other singers? I personally don't think much of some of the so called Star singer from some of the major labels but you won't find me going into threads about them and talk down to the user there. If I don't like them, I just won't buy their albums. I don't see the need to convince everyone that they're no good.

窮小子 發表於 2017-5-28 13:19

窮小子 發表於 2017-5-27 20:54
其實想反問 C兄   ( 因 小子水平低 )


##小子 被人 ( 留言 ) 恐嚇 {:6_192:}巧驚驚 呀!

lamwaikit007 發表於 2017-5-28 16:14

窮小子 發表於 2017-5-28 13:19
##小子 被人 ( 留言 ) 恐嚇   巧驚驚 呀!


Wiz33 發表於 2017-5-29 01:04

窮小子 發表於 2017-5-28 13:19
##小子 被人 ( 留言 ) 恐嚇   巧驚驚 呀!

Report it to the forum admin and get him banned

Wiz33 發表於 2017-5-29 01:48

killua 發表於 2017-5-28 12:24
平心而論,如果隻碟制作成本貴,賣貴左無可厚非,香港市場細,乜都貴D,正如BLURAY港版多數貴過外國版,但質數又 ...

Exactly, What you thought is the best may not be my cup of tea. I'm sure many of you also listen to a variety of music at different times. There are times that I want to listen to music that would make you seat up and take notice and pay attention to every note but there are also times that I want something easy to listen to to help me relax.

yuppi 發表於 2017-5-29 12:02

窮小子 發表於 2017-5-28 13:19
##小子 被人 ( 留言 ) 恐嚇   巧驚驚 呀!


Wiz33 發表於 2017-5-30 05:18

yay! yesasia finally shipped my copy. Hope it arrives in a few days.

Cheong448 發表於 2017-5-30 08:26

窮小子 發表於 2017-5-28 13:19
##小子 被人 ( 留言 ) 恐嚇   巧驚驚 呀!

{:6_136:} 誰 ( 留言 ) 給小子{:6_150:} {:6_158:}

本人尋覓由因,我知猫猫兄乜事幹...或你有所不知{:8_380:} 我睇諒猫猫兄苦處

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查看完整版本: 有要搶又有嘢炒 胡琳 第二張英文專輯《Me and You》

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