Onkyo 676e 同中置
請教各位c兄,希望能抽空回覆,感激家中Onkyo626 wifi 連不到 可能壞了,想換amp,如果想換$4000左右的價位,onkyo 676e 或 656 是否推介?
另外家中中置是wharfedale diamond 10.cc,前置diamond 10,想換中置$2000左右價位,wharfedale diamond 10.cs 是否推介?
Budget 有限,希望得到各位c兄賜教,感激。 626係咪指AV AMP?? 係就我幫你轉去影院版果邊丫 {:1_245:} onkyo 656 and 676e both good!!!{:1_259:} 現用既中置CC, 同你想買個隻CS, 分別唔明顯.
會唔會考慮試其他牌子既AMP, 天龍1300 音質唔差,
換其他牌子既amp, 出來既效果, 好過你由CC 轉去CS 小瑟 發表於 2017-5-10 07:42
626係咪指AV AMP?? 係就我幫你轉去影院版果邊丫
謝謝c兄 matt88p 發表於 2017-5-10 13:33
onkyo 656 and 676e both good!!!
但好少人介紹新的676e, 其實係咪656上年出比較有突破 風仔風仔仔 發表於 2017-5-10 18:21
現用既中置CC, 同你想買個隻CS, 分別唔明顯.
會唔會考慮試其他牌子既AMP, 天龍1300 音質唔差,
如果分別不大, 不換了.
謝c兄 ivan2344 發表於 2017-5-10 20:07
但好少人介紹新的676e, 其實係咪656上年出比較有突破
但係就快有,我都等緊{:6_176:} hungpakto 發表於 2017-5-11 02:04
我見656多人討論d,所以好奇問下係咪676e吾值得入手 本帖最後由 matt88p 於 2017-5-12 13:15 編輯
ivan2344 發表於 2017-5-11 07:54
normally the latest model should be better!! {:1_259:}
but 656 also not bad, I set up 3 of them for my friends, and i think for beginner level amp , onkyo 6 series from 646 up is all really high cp, I used to have 646 before lx 89 and rz3100, many of other c hing came to my house before and said 646 really doesn't sound like beginner level amp, But I use JBL speaker and maybe thats y it helps a lot with the sound performance!! but anyway if for 676e and 656, then for sure I will go for new model if the price is not with a big different!! {:1_259:}