mmxxmm 發表於 2017-5-7 10:31


cyrusp 發表於 2017-5-7 16:04


jaffeinism 發表於 2017-5-7 18:19


johnwong1102 發表於 2017-5-13 01:22


星喚魂 發表於 2017-5-19 09:36

waiwai929 發表於 2017-5-7 08:10
ak發熱既問題好似一直都解決唔倒 sosad

同感!放係褲袋行著聽 好快熱{:6_123:}

所以坐車 就一定會拎出來聽

tamsaiming2003 發表於 2017-5-19 18:45

Hi, people. How does AK Kann sounds like? Warm? I am currently using Chord Mojo and would like to upgrade to Hugo 2. But this Kann draws my spotlight. How does it sounds like compare to Fiio x5 iii(which has two AK4490) and Cayin i5(one AK 4490)? And how does it sounds like when compare to Onkyo DP-X1A or NW-WM1A?
I like warm and musical sound.

Earphone: beyerdynamic idx200 ie
Headphone: Sony MDR-Z1R

tamsaiming2003 發表於 2017-5-19 22:50

本帖最後由 tamsaiming2003 於 2017-5-19 23:32 編輯

Hi, guys. AK Kann, or Sony WM1A or ibasoo DX200

Headphone: Sony MDR-Z1R(4.4 balanced in)

Want warm and musical sound

Using v20(es9218) and chord mojo now

hphp 發表於 2017-5-20 16:23

tamsaiming2003 發表於 2017-5-19 22:50
Hi, guys. AK Kann, or Sony WM1A or ibasoo DX200

Headphone: Sony MDR-Z1R(4.4 balanced in)

I listened to Kann yesterday for an hour.

Besides large output, really not impress with its sound. However, the volume node is much firm than previous design, let's hope it will integrate it to later product.

iBasso DX200 is heavy output too, but the UI and the lack of sparkling in treble is its short coming.

Among three players, Sony WM1A is the better choice, especially it equips with better design balance 4.4mm plug.

RockUGary 發表於 2017-8-8 01:43


Terminatorhk 發表於 2017-8-8 07:49

RockUGary 發表於 2017-8-8 01:43

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