breadvan 發表於 2017-5-2 12:30

Himedia agent in HK

Hi chings, does anyone know how many 'official' Himedia agents are there is HK?

I got my Q5 Pro from Pengbo, machine is working fine but cannot upgrade firmware, once I upgrade the Google store will be gone and I have to bring it back to Pengbo to restore.Pengbo said the new Android 7 version firmware has the same problem, so cannot upgrade.

Any chings out there can comment?

Associated 發表於 2017-5-2 13:12

Hi Breadvan,

Pengbo is the only HK agent that I am aware of.
I am the owner Q10四代 and I have taken my Himedia box to Pengbo every time there is an firmware upgrade so many times I am embarrassed to tell you.

Google playstore is pre-installed in all Q10四代 firmware 1.0.9 and all previous versions. I discovered that after the Firmware 1.1.0 done at home, it did not have google playstore. I took back my Q10四代 to PengBo to they did reinstall it to 1.0.9. But as soon as I took it home and hooked it up to my network, it automatically did an upgrade to 1.1.0.

Last week, there was an android 7.0 upgrade notice that appeared on my Q10四代. So I took a gamble and clicked yes. It turned out that it was a firmware upgrade as well.

My Q10四代 is now on firmware 2.0.3 20170420 (last part is the date of the firmware, April 20, 2017)
So what was changed? Pluses and negatives?

The negative is that the display language is fixed in simplified chinese. You can add English on the options but it won't show language except Simplified Chinese. Annoying? You bet. But I have had the Q10四代 for quite sometime so I am familiar with the menu options.
Upgrading to the new firmware wiped out all my installed APPs. I can't even find a brower or you tube on the new firmware. VERY annoying. Without google playstore I don't know what to do.

The Plus? They seem to have fixed the problem of "No Server" which means previously Q10四代 could not find your home server. This meant that it could not access my Synology NAS with all my Movie, TV and music files. Now, in this 2.0.3 version it is able to access local server. This is a big PLUS for me as it is the reason I bought the Q10四代 in the first place, to watch MKV files streamed from my local NAS to my Plasma TV.

I called up Pengbo and they are aware that the display menu is fixed to show simplified Chinese and they said that Himedia might release an update at the end of this week. Personally I am not sure that they will do this. Perhaps in a few months in the next firmware. They suggested that I bring the Q10四代 to their office and reinstall 1.0.9 but it is not worth the effort. As soon as you bring the machine home it will at some time upgrade to 2.0.3. I am not sure it auto upgrades or you will press the upgrade by mistake.

For me, I will leave it at 2.0.3 as I solves the "NO SERVER: issue. At some point I need to take my Himedia to the place where I bought it at GF of Sham Shui Po Golden arcade and have the sales lady reinstall some of the great TV APPs that allow me to watch TV series from China.
And also China tunnel, Browsers and You tube.

Lastly, can anyone tell me the difference between Q10 Pro and Q10四代?
Breadvan, you refer to your purchase as Q5 Pro but I think it is the Q5四代.

breadvan 發表於 2017-5-7 13:12

Associated 發表於 2017-5-2 13:12
Hi Breadvan,

Pengbo is the only HK agent that I am aware of.

Hi ching, thank you so much for the valuable information.Your experience is exactly what like mine, and now I will not upgrade to Android 7 until there is clear indication that Google Store will not be wiped out.

The hardware is excellent but why will they allow this idiotic software issue to appear in the first place? I don't want to upgrade for the sake of upgrading and go back to Pengbo again, just PITA !

I only use local USB drive for playback so the server issue is not a big deal for me, fortunately, but I see your point.Now that I know I am not the only one having this problem, I will be more careful.

Thanks again.{:1_256:}
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