劉一舟 發表於 2009-12-4 02:47

《午夜靈異錄像》Paranormal Activity : DVD/BD (DVD實物圖第3頁)

本帖最後由 劉一舟 於 2010-2-24 01:23 編輯



小瑟 發表於 2009-12-4 07:58

香港早二個月前其實已經有午夜場上左, 睇左, sofar都ok, 唔悶亦都唔頭暈既, 係有一幕特別驚, 其他都係一般....

聽講呢套戲有三個唔同 ending, 有冇人聽過呢??!?!

vin1013 發表於 2009-12-4 08:56

2# 小瑟

Yes.....the three alternative endings you could find them on YouTube (if they haven't been removed already).
The first ending: the girlfriend kills the boyfriends, and then the police arrived and the demon still inside the girlfriend.The police finds her in the bedroom and she came toward the police.The door slam shut.Fade to black.
The second ending: the girlfriend killed the boyfriend downstairs....she walked back to the bedroom and looked right into the camera and smiled....and slits her throat!
The third ending: this ending was never completed from shooting because it's very complicated.....the girlfriend corners the boyfriend somewhere in the house and was going to kill him....the audiences (we) were supposed to see the whole killing through the camera.


PS - This is a very scary film....probably one of the best horror movies in recent years.

ewartuen 發表於 2009-12-4 09:03

本帖最後由 ewartuen 於 2009-12-7 15:15 編輯

3# vin1013

樓上成個alternative ending打埋出黎, 自行選擇睇唔睇啦, 時運高, 睇唔到{:6_241:}

Raphael 發表於 2009-12-4 10:55

唉.......成個 ending show 咗出嚟............

domocrazy 發表於 2009-12-4 13:04


rikioh 發表於 2009-12-4 14:16

樓上alternate endings 唔係電影既ending...
套戲其實一D都唔恐怖, 相當無聊下...

cowpang 發表於 2009-12-4 14:41


vin1013 發表於 2009-12-4 15:49

4# ewartuen

Friend, they are the alternative endings.Meaning they were never being used in the film.I haven't say what the real ending is like!

vin1013 發表於 2009-12-4 15:50

5# Raphael

Sighs....{:1_260:}   Alternative endings are not the same as real ending.I haven't written the real ending.
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查看完整版本: 《午夜靈異錄像》Paranormal Activity : DVD/BD (DVD實物圖第3頁)

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