AV Amp: Onkyo TX-NR5007, TX-NR3007 and PR-SC5507 最新 firmware (Nov. 19, 2009)
本帖最後由 wil-wil 於 2009-12-4 14:45 編輯Dear all Ching,
Onkyo released the new firmware for the model TX-NR5007, TX-NR3007 and PR-SC5507.
Please click the link http://www.intl.onkyo.com/support/firmware/index.html for more details.
i'm not a Onkyo owner, by i hope all the Onkyo owner love this news.{:6_195:} Thanks your information! 唔見有新 firmware 喎......最新嗰個係 11 月 Onkyo 都有 e-mail 我話出左新 firmware ... 不過真係 11 月!
唔見有新 firmware 喎......最新嗰個係 11 月
Raphael 發表於 2009-12-4 10:03 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif