:o) 發表於 2017-6-3 01:13

本帖最後由 :o) 於 2017-6-3 01:17 編輯

nicebeebee 發表於 2017-4-22 20:50
佢唔係reboot...... 類似x men 未來同盟開始另一時間軸


Unlike a conventional remake or reboot, which often abandon characters, plots and settings in favour of an entirely new approach, the soft reboot is less drastic. JJ Abrams’ 2009 Star Trek movie is a prime example; it casts new actors in the roles of the Original Series’ famous roster of characters - Chris Pine replacing William Shatner as Kirk, Zachary Quinto replacing Leonard Nimoy as Spock, and so on - and sends them off on new adventures with fan-pleasing echoes of films and TV episodes past.

借助回到過去,創造另一個時空,好似star trek咁人地就叫soft reboot,
其實Spider Man雖然話係reboot,但你都可以唔當佢reboot架,就好似本來Marvel都有好多平行宇宙,

pbtour4il 發表於 2017-6-7 10:47

港版 (4K UHD) 已上架:

alanadc23 發表於 2017-6-7 10:49

DVD迷 發表於 2017-6-7 13:37


DVD迷 發表於 2017-6-7 22:40


laiho 發表於 2017-6-8 08:57


bellyjerry 發表於 2017-6-8 09:02

本帖最後由 bellyjerry 於 2017-6-8 09:08 編輯

laiho 發表於 2017-6-8 08:57


girbaud 發表於 2017-6-9 19:56

女人鋪 $250 入貨。。

pbtour4il 發表於 2018-4-24 17:08

本帖最後由 pbtour4il 於 2018-4-24 17:20 編輯

台鐵 Street Date: 1 Jun, 2018

ws1718 發表於 2018-4-24 21:35

頁: 1 2 [3]
查看完整版本: Terminator: Genisys【未來戰士:創世智能】4K UHD

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