Versa 發表於 2017-4-9 14:46

清櫃放售大量blu-ray (25/4 updated)

本帖最後由 Versa 於 2017-7-27 19:22 編輯

--- 美版 ---
Superman 8-disc boxset ($200)

The Ultimate Matrix Collection (SOLD)

Terminator 2 - Judgement Day ($60)
Upside Down 3D + 2D ($100)
Scary Movie 5 ($80)
Surrogates ($80) <-- 搞錯左,原來呢隻係港版,有中字
Final Fantasy XV - KingsGlaive ($100)
Lucy ($100)

Son of God (SOLD)
The Impossible ($100)
Need for Speed ($100)
R.I.P.D 3D+2D ($100)

--- 歐版 ---
Stargate Ultimate Edition ($100)

--- 港版 ---
The Pianist (SOLD)
2012 ($100)
屍孩 ($50)
Men In Black 3 3D+2D ($100)
Man of Steel 鐵盒 3D+2D (SOLD)

美人魚 3D (SOLD)
夢遊 ($30)
Kano (SOLD)

--- 音樂 ---
Susan Song - My Live Stories (SOLD)
Jackie Evancho - Dream With Me In Concert ($100)
The Eagles - Farewell 1 Tour - Live from Melbourne (SOLD)

<< 4月10日新增 >>

--- 美版 ---
Ben Hur 1959 50th Anniversary (SOLD)

Under the Skin ($100)
The Skin I Live In ($100)
The Imitation Game ($100)
Predestination ($100)
Madonna - MDNA World Tour ($100)
All Cheerleaders Die ($100)
Force Majeure ($80)

Backtrack ($100)
Big Eyes ($100)
What Maisie Knew ($100)
Her (SOLD)
Captain Philips ($100)

--- 港版 ---
Avatar 2D ($100)

--- 日版 ---
- 風之谷 (SOLD)
- 天空之城(SOLD)
- 龍貓 (SOLD)
- 魔女宅急便 (SOLD)
- 千與千尋 (SOLD)
- 哈爾的移動城堡 (SOLD)
- 幽靈公主 (SOLD)
- 崖上的波兒 (SOLD)
- 借東西的小矮人亞莉亞蒂 ($250) (RESERVED)
- 來自紅花坂 (SOLD)
- 隔壁的山田君 (SOLD)

<< 4月12日新增 >>
--- 美版 ---
Ben Hur 2016 (SOLD)
Into the Storm ($100)
Pompeii 3D+2D ($100)
Elysium ($100)
The Book Thief ($80)
Oz The Great and Powerful 3D ($100)
Birdman ($100)

--- 港版 ---
功夫 (SOLD)
長江7號 CJ7 ($40)
歲月神偷 (SOLD)
魔警 ($60)
奪命金 (SOLD)

無間道 (SOLD)
畫皮 (7成新,盒有破爛) (SOLD)
為你鍾情 ($30)
老笠 ($60)
下女誘罪 (SOLD)
讓子彈飛 (SOLD)
狂舞派 (SOLD)

<< 4月14日新增 >>
--- 美版 ---
Expendables 2 (SOLD)
Expendables 3 ($100)
Bullet to the Head ($100)
A Million Ways to Die in the West ($100)
Sabotage ($100)
Escape Plan ($100)

Fast & Furious 6(鐵盒) ($160)
Furious 7 ($140)
Speed Racer ($80)
Lone Survivor (SOLD)
Red Tails ($80)
Mitty ($100)

The Da Vinci Code(4K UHD 有中文字幕) (SOLD)
Angels & Demons(4K UHD 有中文字幕) (SOLD)
Inferno(4K UHD 有中文字幕) (SOLD)
Sausage Party ($160)

--- 港版 ---
暴瘋語 ($60)
出租天使 (SOLD)
惡之教典 ($40)
整容天后 (SOLD)
告白 ($40)
我愛瘋sex ($40)

<< 4月16日新增 >>

--- 英版 ---
Batman Anthology全區碼,有中文字幕,包括
- Batman
- Batman Return
- Batman Forever
- Batman and Robin

--- 美版 ---
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Extended Edition 15-discs boxset (SOLD)

The Hobbit - The Unexpected Journey 3D+2D (SOLD)
The Hobbit - The Desolation of Smaug 3D+2D (SOLD)
The Hobbit - The Battle of the Five Armies 3D+2D (SOLD)

The Walking Dead - Season 1-6, 共26碟 ($900)

The Signal ($100)
Earth to Echo ($100)
Red 2 ($100)
Step Up Revolution 3D ($100)
Step Up All In ($100)
Lovelace ($100)
The 9th Life of Louis Drax ($100)
The Machine ($100)
The Love Witch ($100)

--- 台版 ---
死亡筆記 ($60)
死亡筆記 2 - The Last Name ($60)

--- 港版 ---
多啦A夢 Stand By Me 3D (SOLD)
不能說的秘密 (SOLD)
女朋友 男朋友 ($60)

<< 4月25日新增 >>
--- 美版 ---
Underworld Trilogy 包括:
- Underworld
- Underworld Evolution
- Underworld Rise of Lycans
- Underworld Endless War - Anime Shorts
4隻碟售 $200

Underworld Awakening 3D ($100)
Underworld Blood Wars 4K UHD ($200)

Assassin's Creed 4K UHD ($200)
Hidden Figures 4K UHD ($170)
Hacksaw Ridge 4K UHD ($200)
Ninja Turtles 3D ($150)
Ninja Turtles - Out of the Shadows 4K UHD ($200)
Dumb And Dumber To ($100)

--- 日版 ---
T-ara Japan Tour 2013 (9成新,碟有一小花㾗,可正常播放) ($100)
Speed Live 2010 (SOLD)
Misia 星空のライヴ V Just Ballade 2010 ($200)
Misia 星空のライヴ VI Encore 2010 ($200)


* 購買金額$60或以下,只可於港鐵堅尼地城至銅鑼灣站內交收。
有意請PM. Thanks! {:6_162:}

Benlu 發表於 2017-4-9 21:22


Versa 發表於 2017-4-9 22:06

Benlu 發表於 2017-4-9 21:22

4K UHD版才有atmos. BD版係dts-hdma 5.1.

tangcoma 發表於 2017-4-9 23:05

排RIPD $80 Thx

Cogor 發表於 2017-4-10 00:17

Versa 發表於 2017-4-9 22:06
4K UHD版才有atmos. BD版係dts-hdma 5.1.
如買家需要中文字幕,我可提供srt字幕檔 ...


Versa 發表於 2017-4-10 00:53

Cogor 發表於 2017-4-10 00:17


Versa 發表於 2017-4-10 01:05

本帖最後由 Versa 於 2017-4-14 14:13 編輯

4月10日 update {:6_162:}

Cogor 發表於 2017-4-10 11:28

Versa 發表於 2017-4-10 00:53


Versa 發表於 2017-4-12 14:11

added more items & some price adjusted{:6_162:}

Kevin70 發表於 2017-4-12 14:41

師兄我要功夫,銅鑼灣MTR91909233 Kevin19:00左右
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查看完整版本: 清櫃放售大量blu-ray (25/4 updated)

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