不留活路 蘋果IOS 10.3將逼死一大堆OTG廠商
https://read01.com/Q7NGGA.htmlhttp://www.head-fi.org/t/828414/aaw-capri-balanced-lightning-audio-cable-with-type-c-variant/30#post_13351358Based on our testing for iOS 10.3 beta, Apple has cut off support for USB OTG, which means most usb based DAC solutions may no longer be useable on Apple products once the formal update is rolled out.
換句話講,上咗 10.3 之後有機會無得玩 Hugo 同 Mojo 之類嘅 USB DAC 都唔定,所以千祈唔好做白老鼠,總之就自己執生啦。 http://www.head-fi.org/t/805832/new-dragonfly-black-and-red-discussion/2985#post_13389824I updated my iPhone 5s to iOS 10.3 and now my CCK2 is unsupported. No biggie for me but just a heads up. Time to get a new CCK 3
I guess Apple updated the USB 3 CCK to work with iOS10.3. And the old CCK without the firmware update is now obsolete for those running the latest iOS.http://www.head-fi.org/t/805832/new-dragonfly-black-and-red-discussion/3000#post_13390023Yup the old CCK actually works for a few seconds but the 'this device is incompatible' bubble pops up and all goes silent. It does the same after a restart.http://www.head-fi.org/t/805832/new-dragonfly-black-and-red-discussion/3000#post_13391442CCK2 works fine for me on in iPad mini 4 and iPhone 6s+ both updated to 10.3.
I still have the clicks and pops problem with the DFR though, so I use a CCK3 with that.