舊款samsung 4K TV接oppo 203 play 4K碟
好耐無爬文,脫晒節,想請教下,而家用緊舊款3叔Curved UHD TV HU9800,擴音機係7200WA, 如果買部203去播4K碟,部電視出唔出到4k碟應有既畫質?如HDR等等……TV介紹:http://www.post76.com/wordpress/?p=57354 Samsung Curved UHD TV HU9800解像度達3840 x 2160像素,可出到4K,但出唔到HDR Lching 發表於 2017-3-29 13:45
Samsung Curved UHD TV HU9800解像度達3840 x 2160像素,可出到4K,但出唔到HDR
而家用緊普通無4K bluray機 horacetin 發表於 2017-3-29 13:52
而家用緊普通無4K bluray機
如果睇blu-ray冇問题,睇UHD就有少少問题。因为UHD大都配備HDR,睇出黎個对比好唔同 horacetin 發表於 2017-3-29 13:52
而家用緊普通無4K bluray機
HDR 同 SRGB or SDR 分別好大架 Lching 發表於 2017-3-29 14:12
HDR 同 SRGB or SDR 分別好大架
咁講,如果短期內電視唔會換既話,咁就不如忍下唔好換UHD player先,用住普通bluray play, 再用7200WA upscale就算? horacetin 發表於 2017-3-29 14:32
咁講,如果短期內電視唔會換既話,咁就不如忍下唔好換UHD player先,用住普通bluray play, 再用7200WA up ...
Waiting is a good choice in your case . HDMI 2.1 is almost there . It's almost time to buy a new TV and new player when they launch . Waiting Dolby visionis fully developed as well .It is a huge difference , between HDR and dolby vision horacetin 發表於 2017-3-29 13:52
而家用緊普通無4K bluray機
其實有D碟唔太明顯, 除非AB比較.........依家都有好多ching有4K player但冇HDR TV{:6_166:} 本帖最後由 wklie 於 2017-3-29 16:23 編輯
Lack of HDR is the least of your potential problem.
Although your 2014 TV claims to support HDCP 2.2 on its MHL port, I would suggest you call Samsung HK to verify your TV can actually play UHD Blu-ray in 4K resolution first, and record your conversation.Many foreign users of Samsung 2014 TV needed to buy SEK3500 Evolution Kit to fix their 4K issues.