Hegel H80 Integrated Amp with DAC, Taralabs & Vertere cables (Sold)
本帖最後由 mcball 於 2017-4-29 21:53 編輯昌業行貨,約3年机過保, 合併擴大機, 連24bit/192kHz DAC,remote,power cord, 有單。5 digital in+3 analog in。Sell for upgrade。
另售 Interconnect cables
Taralabs RSA Prime M2 RCA 1.5m $1600 (有單)
Vertere Pulse C STD XLR 1.15m $1500 (有盒)
All together $9800
For product detailed spec and reviews, please go to:
本帖最後由 mcball 於 2017-3-22 14:48 編輯
Reduced to $8200
mcball 發表於 2017-3-22 11:50
Reduced to $8200
Push.. push mcball 發表於 2017-3-24 08:03
Push.. push
Push. Push..
mcball 發表於 2017-3-25 21:15
Push. Push..
減價 $8000
mcball 發表於 2017-3-30 16:55
減價 $8000
Some of the reviews:
http://www.theabsolutesound.com/ ... tegrated-amplifier/
https://parttimeaudiophile.com/2 ... hegel-audio-magico/
http://www.the-ear.net/review-ha ... rated-amplifier-dac
Chinese reviews:
http://news.u-audio.com.tw/newsdetail.asp?newsid=3196 mcball 發表於 2017-3-31 21:47
Some of the reviews:
http://www.theabsolutesound.com/ ... tegrated-amplifier/
http://www.hegel.com ...
mcball 發表於 2017-4-5 00:36
Push push mcball 發表於 2017-4-8 22:01
Push push
Push push mcball 發表於 2017-4-11 11:36
Push push
Push push