請教 Teac NT503DAB 用家
個tunner是否不能接收fm本港電台,dab我只收到1個rthk35是否訊號問題 抑或 其他問題?
THANKS DAB 仲有幾多個台係 active? 好似都無乜 不能接收fm. Use its apps to find local radio stations on internet 121dc 發表於 2017-3-16 20:42
不能接收fm. Use its apps to find local radio stations on internet
是否 teac arv reomote?
Thanks The free apps "TEAC HR Remote" for iOS and "TEAC AVR Remote" for Android 121dc 發表於 2017-3-17 00:32
The free apps "TEAC HR Remote" for iOS and "TEAC AVR Remote" for Android
thx,android個app超低能{:1_331:} 我都用緊呢個.....超低能既 App, 但無法, 得佢一個可用, 搵歌煩到呢, 電台更加要較個App上網至聽到, 但佢後面有條天線位, 申出街, 都係收唔到一個數碼電台, 最後都係用返上網聽算, 好就好在架機幾勁, 聽 24bit, DSD 都好正, 夾隻靚少少既有緣吧, 真係幾好聲,夠我玩囉 !! 好就好在架機幾勁 x2 kitkitkit_2046 發表於 2017-3-17 15:06
我都用緊呢個.....超低能既 App, 但無法, 得佢一個可用, 搵歌煩到呢, 電台更加要較個App上網至聽到, 但佢後 ...