尋找一部dap作訊源 汽車用
想請教各位師兄 有冇邊款dap好介紹 可讀DSD 又有光纖line out既呢?因為小弟想喺部車到用 所以只要佢有呢兩樣野就夠 3000左右有冇架? 本帖最後由 hphp 於 2017-3-15 11:29 編輯The DX80 by iBasso
"...The coaxial output, USB charge and OTG function is still on top in their familiar far left and far right slots. This time, however, the DX80 has a SPDIF slot and not just purely a coaxial output as you would find on the DX90. This means you can now use an optical output as well as a coaxial output from the DX80 – oh joy!..."