Terrin 發表於 2017-3-10 08:50

Phatlab Sassy + i5

Morning Chings,
Recently i've bought i5 as my DAP and Phatlab Sassy Tube Amp as my setup
when im using this setup with my IE800
i felt that background noise is quite obvious
i forgot which lineout cable im using, will update it when i got back home...
but any recommandation on how to reduce noise? or if i can do anything to it?

Terrin 發表於 2017-3-10 08:54


rlmfung 發表於 2017-3-10 16:25

I am also using few portable tube amps ALO CDM, Fostex HP-V1 and THA-8. They all have background noise, though ALO CDM's is not significant.It seems that background noise of portable tube amps are inevitable. However a less sensitive IEM or headphone with higher impedance would help a bit by sacrificing sound pressure.

WallerHomie 發表於 2017-3-10 20:05

rlmfung 發表於 2017-3-10 16:25
I am also using few portable tube amps ALO CDM, Fostex HP-V1 and THA-8. They all have background noi ...

以前試過VentureCraft GO-DAP TT,以Portable Tube AMP黎講,的確冇乜底噪。
個人亦玩過Fostex HP-V1,唔岩推塞,但推大牛就聽唔到底噪。
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