線條不夠順滑,有D music有刻意重播生硬感覺,聲有D chur. Class D problem? 大家發覺大會多播放快歌嗎?慢歌的韻味, 幼滑的細節(e.g. Sandy Lam李香蘭)? feel唔到。我部YiXin Audio 膽前就feel到。其實Marantz 7就是膽前,Marantz and 老麥差不多年代起家,點解老麥已家做到膽......
And Marantz call SA10 (force upscale 16bit music 256 times, with s/n 104 d/b. Note that Chord Blu MKii only upscale 16 times , with s/n 124 d/b) and PM10 reference class. Better call them premium because music matters tamsaiming2003 發表於 2017-5-10 06:55
線條不夠順滑,有D music有刻意重播生硬感覺,聲有D chur. Class D problem? 大家發覺大會多播放快歌嗎?慢 ...
好難明你講乜 HD_2 發表於 2017-5-10 07:19
Put it simple, not meet my expectation as reference class CDP and int.amp 大家可以到呢個PO分享返呀~~ 謝謝!!!