Band of Brothers 呢套..大家咩意見(Ordered)
本帖最後由 micma 於 2009-12-2 16:53 編輯Band of Brothers 呢套..大家咩意見<---------因有成6隻discs...有排睇
Ordered thanks 好睇!特別係第1隻 喱套正都冇朋友,如果喜歡戰爭片,唔睇係你嘅損失{:6_182:} 本帖最後由 hkbomberman 於 2009-11-29 21:26 編輯
The collection contains different episodes produced by a number of directors.Other than combat scenes, we can have more details in the story backgrounds, soldiers' feeling, historical facts, etc.
In general, we should not view it as an entertainment only.It reflects much more what are happening in battlefields and how people (particularly soldiers) live and suffer in wars.{:6_128:}
Certainly, it is a must-have in war movie/episode collection. 暫時2:2 ...thanks all above chings' comments.其實我都驚悶....{:6_136:} these are the must have bluray 其實要好睇樓主你鍾唔鍾意睇二戰片/戰爭片
以電視劇呢講呢套真係無得頂, 戰爭場面真係一d都唔失禮
而且因為係連續劇既關係, 人物角色都可以令大家有深刻既印像
整套劇係環繞101st 空降師 506旅既 E 連, 大至上係由開頭Boot camp 開始至 D-day到 Bastogne 及最後德軍戰敗美軍攻占希特拉既鷹巢為止, 而每集會集中講一個或兩個角色既故事, 從而串起整套劇.當然每個所介紹既角色都係真有其人.而每集開頭亦由其真人開首講講當時既感受.
十分同意 hkbomberman ching 所講{:6_193:} 目前只有 DVD 版(三區)先有中文, 現時所有BD版都冇中文, 正如 post76funfun 所講成套戲每集都係講 101空降師 E 連內一個或兩個人物既故事, 唔係一味打打打好似睇藍保咁, 如果仲意睇 Saving private ryan 咁應該都會仲意套戲 淨聽子彈橫飛d聲都值啦, uk amazon 甘平, 唔買你損失. 今日終於到手, 本應諗住睇少少, 點知都睇晒第一集.
讀得書少, 睇字幕都係明五六成. 好在以前睇過, 大概都知講乜.
full screen 冇黑邊睇戲真係好正~
好其侍下集 d-day!!