palic hdmi線
有冇師兄見過或用過? 聽講好野來, 幾銀? 邊殊有售? quite similar to wireworld wow 仲意係ww添{:6_183:}!師兄買幾錢!{:6_188:} 本帖最後由 djaddy 於 2009-11-29 10:39 編輯Palic (佰威) is one of the 3 biggest OEM manufacturers in the world. Quality wouldn't be bad.
Should be from the same factory as the Mpins F1000: Palic (佰威) is one of the 3 biggest OEM manufacturers in the world. Quality wouldn't be bad.
djaddy 發表於 29-11-2009 10:32 AM
咪就係聽你講話係好野來,{:6_193:}不過唔見有得賣.{:6_194:}如果oem ww我都想試下.{:6_212:}
咪就係聽你講話係好野來,{:6_193:}不過唔見有得賣.{:6_194:}如果oem ww我都想試下.{:6_212:}
juniorx 發表於 2009-11-29 10:39
This cable shouldn't be expensive.I tried an earlier version with flying results. Technical-wise, it should be based on very similar technique as the WW HDMI. 用來BDP過AMP一流...{:6_146:}邊度有得賣jek? Don Scorpion 果條都係咩? 呢條我見過(好似鴨記), 重已為係d扮ww既劣品添 Don Scorpion 果條都係咩? 呢條我見過(好似鴨記), 重已為係d扮ww既劣品添
juniorx 發表於 2009-11-29 10:55
I saw a fake Monster that looks the same.