htctyo 發表於 2017-2-26 21:56

求推選擇 accuphase e270 OR mcintosh ma5200

本帖最後由 htctyo 於 2017-2-26 21:58 編輯

I CONSIDER TO BUY ONLY accuphase e270 OR mcintosh ma5200
ANY comment which one is better to push my collection bookself spk .
NOW I have proac d1, harbeth p3esr, ELAC BS312, Dali royal menuet 2, MARKAUDIO FULL RANGE , BECAUSE I ALWAYS CHANGE SPK TO LISTEN
I ONLY WILL CHOOSE accuphase e270 OR mcintosh ma5200


koalaau 發表於 2017-2-26 22:43


benwongkk 發表於 2017-2-27 09:36


hoyin13 發表於 2017-2-27 15:35

小弟之前買 AMP 時就是呢兩個牌子去做 AB compare, 同以上師兄們所講, 兩者聲底分別好大, 所以一定要自己去聽清楚先得!

友蛇 8/F and 13/F 都有哂兩個牌子既 AMP 試

jippie_george 發表於 2017-2-27 16:03

I had the EXACT problem in selecting neither one of them two weeks ago, I couldn't find enough review over the Internet for comparison. But I placed my bet on 270 in CWB at the end of the day, I just lost my patience. :)

MA5200 has lots of inputs (USB and MM/MC are incl.!) making good value, but I don't quite like too many electronic parts involved. (like changing the balance and trim level has to do with remote control)
I like more manual and purely to the music. ALSO (It might important to you) MA5200 support a pair of speaker input only, whereas E-270 supports 2 pairs, you have the ability to switch between.

However, when comes to sound signature and personal taste of music, it is indeed very subjective.
So, like BenWongKK said, better taste it yourself. 阿二 has both brands for you, and staffs are quite helpful.

2475017 發表於 2017-6-2 12:06

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