Sony Z9D 3D問題
最近用PS4播3D碟,部Z9D電視畫面忽然有問題(之前冇事嘅)畫面3D有鬼影,中間又有條暗黑bar閃閃下⋯請問有冇師兄有同樣問題? Any problem in 2D?
Reboot the TV - hold the remote power button for 6 seconds or more.
If it still fails, try factory reset. 我果部係MENU D 字有少少影
不過唔知係咪因為我用POWERDVD 睇唔係BLURAY 機睇 wklie 發表於 2017-2-22 00:02
Any problem in 2D?
Reboot the TV - hold the remote power button for 6 seconds or more.
No problem for 2D
already tried to reboot TV try factory reset tonight:(
3D字幕有輕微鬼影好正常, 至於黑bar嘛..........有換另一條HDMI線試??有冇相睇?? SonSon 發表於 2017-2-22 13:02
3D字幕有輕微鬼影好正常, 至於黑bar嘛..........有換另一條HDMI線試??有冇相睇??
好難影出個效果....打咗電話去SONY, 佢話可能電視update咗firmware令佢同3D眼鏡個connection有問題.
應該reset 部機就無事....今晚try try Hydelam89 發表於 2017-2-22 18:03
好難影出個效果....打咗電話去SONY, 佢話可能電視update咗firmware令佢同3D眼鏡個connection有問題.
應 ...
Take off the plug and wait for 10 mins to reboot last night....then everything go back to normal {:1_245:} Hydelam89 發表於 2017-2-22 18:03
好難影出個效果....打咗電話去SONY, 佢話可能電視update咗firmware令佢同3D眼鏡個connection有問題.
應 ...
應該係3D眼鏡同TV同步唔恊調, 如果唔係眼鏡冇電, 就要等UPDATE FW解決 littlesweet 發表於 2017-2-24 17:18
應該係3D眼鏡同TV同步唔恊調, 如果唔係眼鏡冇電, 就要等UPDATE FW解決
Thanks 我買左z9d第一日就有呢個問題,換左兩次機都係咁,最後退左錢,而家等Sony A1 pled