breadvan 發表於 2017-2-21 12:06

Kodi on Himedia

Hi all,

I am new to Kodi, can anyone share some experience on installing Kodi on Himedia?I just got a Q5 Pro.Thanks a lot.

larrigo 發表於 2017-2-21 12:46

Kodi 新春懶人包 , 一Q搞掂囇!

ac388 發表於 2017-2-21 14:01

First you need a Google account n then go to Google play store n search for the Kodi app n download it.The tough part is getting the good Kodi Addons that won't disappear overnight, even though they are free.

breadvan 發表於 2017-2-21 23:11

Thanks guys. I've installed Kodi, mount drive as movie playing fine. One major problem is only 2.0 channel is output no matter how I set the audio setting. The movies play fine with all the channels under Q5 own player, but only 2 channels under Kodi.Any suggestions welcome.

larrigo 發表於 2017-2-23 00:04

you should goto the system menu and try adjusting the followings:

no of channels = 5.1
enable passthrough = yes

breadvan 發表於 2017-2-23 12:58

larrigo 發表於 2017-2-23 00:04
you should goto the system menu and try adjusting the followings:

no of channels = 5.1

Thanks but I have already tried that, still 2.0 output.

Again the Q5 by itself has no problem sending any format to my AV amp, so something is not right.

Associated 發表於 2017-2-23 13:31

breadvan 發表於 2017-2-23 12:58
Thanks but I have already tried that, still 2.0 output.

Again the Q5 by itself has no problem sen ...

That is my experience too with Kodi installed on my Himedia Q10
Output is always 2.0 no matter what settings are changed.
But if I use Himedia's internal set up, sound is output 7.1 and Atmos.
Also Kodi can't read chinese characters via my synology 415play so useless for my chinese movies.

That is why I unistalled Kodi.

My equipment:

Yamaha A2060
Himedia Q10
Synology 415play
B&W speakers on 7.1 Atmos

If anyone has got Kodi to work and output 5.1 or 7.1 then please share.

breadvan 發表於 2017-2-24 15:08

Associated 發表於 2017-2-23 13:31
That is my experience too with Kodi installed on my Himedia Q10
Output is always 2.0 no matter wh ...

Yes very frustrating since the interface is so nice !

Now I leave Kodi on for the kids to watch movie on 2-channel TV , and run Q5 player when watching movie for multi-channel watching on projector.
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