poonmh 發表於 2017-2-19 21:16

IsoTek EVO3 Premier Power Cable UK - IEC 1.5m

99% new with full packing and receipt. Ask for HK$700

The Premier is the first of the new EVO3 (Evolution Three) power cables from IsoTek. It heralds a significant step up in quality of materials used and represents, we believe, one of the highest quality and specification power cables at its price point. Premier has taken two years of development. Sourcing of specialist high quality materials. The design and development of IsoTek's own bespoke and unique 24ct gold plated copper connectors.


The conductors are in a parallel construction with slight rotational twist. This established technique remains the first line of defense against RFI and EMI rejection.


Silver plated 99.9999% OFC conductors offer an exceptional level of purity with enhanced conductivity. They are less likely to fracture or degrade over time. Silver is an excellent conductor and when combined with a high purity copper provides impressive electrical properties.


Teflon FEP dielectric (insulation) is chemically inert and has a very low dielectric constant over a wide frequency range. FEP possesses a very high degree of stress crack resistance and a low coefficient of friction making it an exceptional dielectric. FEP is the first choice for safety in both temperature and electrical insulation.


Cotton filler has been used to give the cable internal strength and reduce microphony. Cotton also possesses excellent dielectric properties, the best of a solid material.


A paper wrap is used to secure the construction prior to the application of a flexible PVC jacket. The addition of the paper and cotton form a buffer with the PVC so as to maintain exceptional dielectric properties.


PVC is used as an outer jacket to give a high degree of flexibility and mechanical strength.


Premier cable is terminated using IsoTek’s bespoke Audiophile grade moulded connectors of solid OFC with 24ct gold plated conductors. These offer the highest quality performance and will not tarnish.

In conclusion, IsoTek Premier uses high quality materials with intelligent construction to deliver a power cable of outstanding performance and mechanical integrity, which will not degrade over time or break your bank balance.

"A distinct cleaning up of the sound... A marked benefit for dynamic range, a consequence of lowering the noise floor, as well as a refinement and a general opening up of the soundstage." Five Stars IsoTek EVO3 Premier – Hi-Fi Choice, March 2013

"There is a cumulative effect in using both together that makes a striking difference to the overall performance of the system. They really open up the soundstage and let you hear more of the music because noise is reduced... Highly recommended and particularly good value for money." Five Stars IsoTek EVO3 Premier and EVO3 Polaris – Hi-Fi Choice, March 2013

kkp 發表於 2017-2-22 03:23

Please call 93102775 Thx
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