rover901 發表於 2017-2-14 13:29

Full set Linn LP12 original box new parts

本帖最後由 rover901 於 2017-2-14 16:46 編輯

Too many table in my system, so I am selling one to fund my other toys:

Full set Linn LP12 with original box, well care, in excellent condition. Personally owned this LP12 for 10 years, I bought directly from a gentlemen in UK.

Black ash plinth (serial number 8xxxx) with cirkus bearing set (cirkus bearing and subchassis, inner platter), bearing is in excellent working condition. new oil.

New parts changed in 2015/2016 including:

1) brand new factory motor;
2) new motor mounting set;
3) new springs set;
4) new armboard;
5) new lid hinges
6) rebuilt (recap) valhalla power supply;
7) new belt

This LP12 will serve you another 10 years without anything required to change (unless you wish to upgrade)

The set comes with Akito 2B, latest spec, top bearing, made in scotland, "Akurate" grade, same level as Ittok, if not better, original boxed, with original linn T cable, excellent condition, dynamic, full body and detailed sound.

I will give the buyer a low hours (about 100) 103R as gift if don't bargain, plug and play immediately (can setup for you).

This set is in excellent cosmetic condition, sounds very good and dynamic, the best sample you can get at this price. Price HK26500.00


Instead of Linn Akito 2B with cirkus subchassis, buyer can opt for Roksan Nima tonearm with a set of Majik subchassis, at no extra cost (This Nima/majik subchassis) combo sell separately at HK$8000.00, sound more airy and accurate, great for classical.

Instead of Valhalla power supply, buyer can opt for Heed Orbit power supply to replace the Valhalla, add HK$1500.00. The Heed Orbit sell separately at 2500. This will transform your LP12 way beyond the price suggests.

I have a set of Cetech carbon aluminium composite subchassis with a brand new uncut Cetech armboard, made in Australia, (or New Zealand?), in mint condition, a rega mount arm board will be given to buyer as gift. Sell separately at HK3000.00. Perfect for classical lovers.

PM to discuss
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