amazon us black friday sale
有d碟都幾平,大家去睇睇啦。 有d碟都幾平,大家去睇睇啦。stm 發表於 2009-11-26 21:09
Very cheap!
But I am still waiting for tomorrow's final sale! 2# Fabregas
is it only 1 day or what ?? 2# Fabregas
is it only 1 day or what ??
reanult360 發表於 2009-11-26 21:14
Tomorrow is the final day of the Black Friday Sale
I think the prices will be cheapest!
But some items may be sold out and you have to wait for a long time for the shipping! You mean HK-time tomorrow will be even cheaper?? no, i think he meant US time!!!
Tomorrow is the final day of the Black Friday Sale
I think the prices will be cheapest!
But some items may be sold out and you have to wait for a long time for the shipping!
Fabregas 發表於 2009-11-26 21:18
呢度睇$10 以下的碟最方便
我估星期五最平,但$10 果d 我諗今日落單會好d Transformer 2 $12.99 only........逼住要checkout先......... transformers 2 no chinese subs, no checkout yet