在蟲蟲買了Sony 75Z9d 發現中間有一點唔知咩?有無師兄有經驗知...
在蟲蟲買了Sony 75Z9d發現中間有一點唔知咩?有無師兄有經驗知道係唔係死點 This is not 死點.If you cannot wipe it off, this is likely to be dust that went beneath the LCD glass during manufacturing. wklie 發表於 2017-1-25 11:57This is not 死點.If you cannot wipe it off, this is likely to be dust that went beneath the LCD gl ...
咁有咩辨法呀師兄!應該點做! 冇得攪, 如果行貨叫 SONY 上門清潔 TV Panel同面板中間夾到異物, Sharp以前都試過, 要拆機先搞到 應該係條毛黎, 要拆機 蟲蟲買既非港行貨{:6_146:} 我以前都有用日本水貨TV,香港sony都會維修的,但價錢就... {:6_126:}{:6_181:} 蟲蟲? 樓主打算點?{:6_185:}