用手機駁cdp播spotify apps聽歌
請問大家有冇試過將部手機駁落去 cdp後面嗰個usb插口跟住用手機裏面個spotify播歌apps 經cdp個dac去播放音樂呢??
是否可以用呢一條線去將手機過落去啲 cdp過usb入口呢??
音質如何??(明白無得同cd或高質music file比)
相比用av amp 無線駁手機播spotify,再經兩聲道amp出哪個好??
謝謝!! 我試過三星機駁USB-B,唔得,可能條雞線關係。
最後用番iPad 。
Ching,我建議你幾舊水買個Chrome Audio,之後toslink out cdp,至少部手機唔駛插死又有歌仔聽。 幾十蚊買條3.5mm轉rca插,手機直插入amp,聲音ok架。 ibo 發表於 2017-1-19 16:37 static/image/common/back.gif
Ching,我建議你幾舊水買個Chrome Audio,之後toslink out cdp,至少部手機唔駛插死又有歌仔聽。 ...
thank you ching !!
can you tell me more about Chrome Audio?
where can i buy it?
many many thanks.{:8_394:} Cyruschow 發表於 2017-1-20 12:44 static/image/common/back.gif
thank you ching !!
can you tell me more about Chrome Audio?
Available in most of the computer shopping malls (Wanchai/MK), pretty straight forward in setting up (provided your phone is android base) as it basically mirror the audio playback on your phone via wifi, the beauty of it is (i) cheap; (ii) comes with digital out (via toslink) and (iii) you can still carry your phone around the house while playback (so much more convenient to change songs, etc.)
Of course the sound quality is not comparable to say, a network audio player (with Sportify support) but you are only paying 1/10th.
ibo 發表於 2017-1-20 17:18
Available in most of the computer shopping malls (Wanchai/MK), pretty straight forward in setting...
thanks ching!