小瑟 發表於 2017-1-5 20:46

HDMI 2.1 版規格發布, 所以話科技既野邊有得等架!!

新 HDMI 支援更高清畫面和更高畫面更新率,包括將 4K 畫面推至 120Hz。首次加入支援 8K (60Hz) 畫面,同時支援 8K + HDR 效果。這些新能力需要新的 48Gbps HDMI 也能享用,不過相信還有好幾年一般電視和螢幕才能真正發揮這些能力。
HDMI 2.1 的其他功能就有望在短期內用到,例如新的 "Dynamic HDR" (動態 HDR) 功能。可以根據每個場景、每個畫面來顯示最適合的 HDR 效果,而不是永遠同一個 HDR 顏色設定。
另外又新增「遊戲模式」VRR,能夠隨時改變畫面更新率,幫助減少畫面遲緩、撕裂及其他遊戲時會出現的影像瑕疵。最後音效方面,HDMI 2.1 支援「物件音效」:讓你猶如在 3D 空間中聽到畫面中物件的所在位置。
HDMI 2.1 和新的線路都向下兼容,將會在 2017 年第二季正式推出。

原文: http://hdmiforum.org/hdmi-forum-announces-version-2-1-hdmi-specification/


HDMI Forum, Inc. today announced the upcoming release of Version 2.1 of the HDMI Specification. This latest HDMI Specification supports a range of Higher Video Resolutions and refresh rates including 8K60 and 4K120, Dynamic HDR, and increased bandwidth with a new 48G cable. Version 2.1 of the HDMI Specification is backward compatible with earlier versions of the Specification, and was developed by the HDMI Forum's Technical Working Group whose members represent some of the world's leading manufacturers of consumer electronics, personal computers, mobile devices, cables and components.

「This new release of the Specification offers a broad range of advanced features for enhancing the consumer entertainment experience, as well as providing robust solutions to the commercial AV sector,」 said Robert Blanchard of Sony Electronics, president of the HDMI Forum. 「This is part of the HDMI Forum's continuing mission to develop specifications for the HDMI eco-system that meet the growing demand for compelling, high-performance and exciting features.」

HDMI Specification 2.1 Features Include:

Higher Video Resolutions support a range of higher resolutions and faster refresh rates including 8K60Hz and 4K120Hz for immersive viewing and smooth fast-action detail.
Dynamic HDR ensures every moment of a video is displayed at its ideal values for depth, detail, brightness, contrast, and wider color gamuts—on a scene-by-scene or even a frame-by-frame basis.
48G cables enable up to 48Gbps bandwidth for uncompressed HDMI 2.1 feature support including 8K video with HDR. The cable is backwards compatible with earlier versions of the HDMI Specification and can be used with existing HDMI devices.
eARC supports the most advanced audio formats such as object-based audio, and enables advanced audio signal control capabilities including device auto-detect.
Game Mode VRR features variable refresh rate, which enables a 3D graphics processor to display the image at the moment it is rendered for more fluid and better detailed gameplay, and for reducing or eliminating lag, stutter, and frame tearing.
The new specification will be available to all HDMI 2.0 Adopters and they will be notified when it is released early in Q2 2017.

kenchu6 發表於 2017-1-5 22:27


ahtau 發表於 2017-1-5 22:54

{:6_128:} {:6_139:}

koo9726 發表於 2017-1-5 23:09


teddyleung 發表於 2017-1-6 00:25


lanafung 發表於 2017-1-6 00:25


akira11092 發表於 2017-1-6 00:31

邊個對眼分到 2K 4K 18K ? 上面果啲圖同數字調亂都無人知啦

onon4359 發表於 2017-1-6 01:38

lanafung 發表於 2017-1-6 00:25 static/image/common/back.gif


blackcolor 發表於 2017-1-6 08:58


沒完沒了!{:6_243:} {:6_243:} {:6_243:}

戲院都無咁 update 啦!下下都要追到咁 update 似係滿足個人慾望多過真正需要!{:6_180:} {:6_183:}


norip999 發表於 2017-1-6 09:24

4K 都係得幾部PLAYER,
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查看完整版本: HDMI 2.1 版規格發布, 所以話科技既野邊有得等架!!

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