blackcolor 發表於 2017-1-4 11:24

請教 pre out 問題。。。


其實以下幾種接駁方法有咩分別?(定我自己搞錯?!{:6_136:} )

1. Bdp > (hdmi) > AV amp > pre out (rca) front > 2 channel amp > front speaker

2. Bdp > 7.1 audio out (rca) front > 2 channel amp > front speaker ( 其餘 channel 全部經返 bdp >( hdmi) > AV amp )

3. Bdp > 7.1 audio out (rca) front > AV amp > front speaker ( 其餘 channel 全部經返 bdp > (hdmi) > AV amp )

4. Bdp > 7.1 audio out (rca)All channels > AV amp > All speakers


其實 Bdp 既 7.1 audio out 幾時先會用到?定係多數只會用響 front speaker ?

wklie 發表於 2017-1-4 11:44

本帖最後由 wklie 於 2017-1-4 12:04 編輯

Assuming we're talking about video only (not SACD, etc.):

I think 1 makes the most sense.

I do not recommend 2 / 3 / 4.Setup 4 may make sense only if your BDP supports a new audio format that your AV Amp does not, even then it is not likely to be better, unless your BDP has really good analog parts.

smokeyduck 發表於 2017-1-4 11:46

1. Bdp > (hdmi) > AV amp > pre out (rca) front > 2 channel amp > front speaker

>>>you are using the av-amp to decode, also via the av-amp to calibrate each channel but for the front, av-amp only act as preamp, the 2ch act as poweramp.

2. Bdp > 7.1 audio out (rca) front > 2 channel amp > front speaker ( 其餘 channel 全部經返 bdp >( hdmi) > AV amp )

>>>bdp to decode and av-amp can't calibrate synchronize all speakers, i don't think it will work as good as #1.

3. Bdp > 7.1 audio out (rca) front > AV amp > front speaker ( 其餘 channel 全部經返 bdp > (hdmi) > AV amp )

>>>will it work? i doubt to set the av-amp to accept rca(for front) and hdmi(for the rest) at the same time.

4. Bdp > 7.1 audio out (rca)All channels > AV amp > All speakers

>>>you are using the bdp to decode, but can you calibrate each channel?

chhanthony 發表於 2017-1-4 12:05


Blu-ray Player HDMI>>>>AV Receiver
                     L/R RCA >>>2 channel Amplifier RCA input

AV Receiver L/R RCA Pre-out>>>>2 channel Amplifier AV Bypass

wklie 發表於 2017-1-4 12:08

chhanthony 發表於 2017-1-4 12:05 static/image/common/back.gif


blackcolor 發表於 2017-1-4 12:23

chhanthony 發表於 2017-1-4 12:05 static/image/common/back.gif

Blu-ray Player HDMI>>>>AV Receiver

Blu-ray Player HDMI>>>>AV Receiver
                     L/R RCA >>>2 channel Amplifier RCA input

AV Receiver L/R RCA Pre-out>>>>2 channel Amp


如果 2 channel amp 有 bypass 就用 av amp pre out L/R 俾佢?

blackcolor 發表於 2017-1-4 12:27

smokeyduck 發表於 2017-1-4 11:46 static/image/common/back.gif
1. Bdp > (hdmi) > AV amp > pre out (rca) front > 2 channel amp > front speaker

>>>you are using the ...

我就係有懷疑 2,3,4 會唔會 sync 唔到前置?{:6_136:}

同埋 av amp 可能做唔到 calibration !


blackcolor 發表於 2017-1-4 12:29

wklie 發表於 2017-1-4 11:44 static/image/common/back.gif
Assuming we're talking about video only (not SACD, etc.):

I think 1 makes the most sense.

我都係指睇戲!(因為我唔會用 bdp 聽歌!)

即係點都係俾 av amp 解左碼先俾返 2 channel amp 出前置係最好!?

Szelong 發表於 2017-1-4 13:00


BDP HDMI --> AV AMP --> pre out 去Active speaker 同其他channel

BDP RCA --> 2ch --> 2ch Speaker

chhanthony 發表於 2017-1-4 14:05

blackcolor 發表於 2017-1-4 12:23 static/image/common/back.gif
Blu-ray Player HDMI>>>>AV Receiver
                     L/R RCA >>>2 channel Amplifier RCA input


睇戲時會由Blu-ray經HDMI畀digital畀AV Receiver decode同D/A處理
處理後會由AV Receiver經RCA pre-out畀2 Channel Amplifier推動喇叭

聽歌時由Blu-ray做D/A處理經RCA out畀2 Channel Amplifier推動喇叭

如果 2 channel amp 有 bypass 就用 av amp pre out L/R 俾佢? 正確
頁: [1] 2 3 4 5
查看完整版本: 請教 pre out 問題。。。

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