出售美版Bluray, 只睇過一次,90%新
出售美版Bluray, 只睇過一次,90%新,没有中文字幕:1)13 Hours $130
2)Ant-man 2D+3D $130
3)3碟合集 Triple Feature(Austin Powers 1-3)$100
4)Avengers Age of Ultron $120
5)EX_Machina (英版全区)$80
6)I Split on your grave 1&2 $100
7)Need for Speed (英版B区)$90
8)Oz Great & Powerful $80
9)Star Wars 1-3,4-6 Boxset (不散賣)$500
10)The Sum of All Fear$60
11)Resident Evil:Retribution $80
12)Tracers $80
13)3碟合集 Triple Feature(For Vendetta, Watchmen, Constantine) $100
14)Battlestar Galactica: The complete Series 2003-2009 Season 1-4 + The Plan$400(不散賣)
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