nanaholic 發表於 2016-12-29 22:41

本帖最後由 nanaholic 於 2016-12-29 22:44 編輯

Drunnktroop 發表於 2016-12-29 21:38 static/image/common/back.gif
IMO the main reason for such modification is to bypass the weak printed wire and soldering over th ...

It doesn't matter what reason it is for the modification, the original argument the other guy talked about was that the K812 has no modding potential or to go balanced compared with other flagships like the HD800 because it uses a flat cable, which is a false claim. It's a little harder than plug and play cables, but not non-existent, and once you've modded it, it's just as easy to select different cables for tweaking.

Also the different driver types whether it is dynamic, planer or electrostatic all has different sound qualities, those are merely subjective preferences and not really objective superiority. It's perfectly ok for one person to prefer one type of sound signature over the other, and even at times when one sound is objectively inferior (like measured with some harmonic distortion, which is proven to add musicality to the sound, but objectively is less accurate), but trying to claim that just because one phone is superior in one area thus the others that cannot achieve the same quality and thus is rubbish not worth considering is arguably very useless buying advice.Just because you like huge soundstage for example doesn't mean the other guy likes it.

Drunnktroop 發表於 2016-12-30 01:54

nanaholic 發表於 2016-12-29 22:41 static/image/common/back.gif
It doesn't matter what reason it is for the modification, the original argument the other guy talk ...

Just a casual thought on the K812 mod thing,
not meant to get into or go against his hype train.
I have K812 lying around also, to be honest I am more concerned over the durability of the printed wire than the balanced driving potential.

Yeah There are different qualities to appreciate in electrostatic, planar or dynamic headphones.
I think it will be too narrow minded to limit oneself into dynamic headphones.
You can see I also suggested OP to try out HE560, Edition X or STAX-4040.

Just that seeing someone brag specifically about details extraction and analytical power of HD800,
which IMHO, is the territory of electrostatics, normally with better tonality too (I know tonality is a subjective thing tho).

ozrayyau 發表於 2016-12-30 10:57

nanaholic 發表於 2016-12-29 22:33

HD800特大音場又點?好多嘢唔係一味話多就得嘅, ...

師兄係你講哂又或者係我講哂都好,我講 812 冇得改係我錯,咁師兄會唔會改?

基本上係你冇 HD800,而不滿我話 k812 冇乜改良前景。但我有係換咗Cardas clear balance cable 同塞咗兩粒海綿嘅 HD800,唔知呢啲好似換咗四條呔同用 K&N 風隔算唔算大手術? 同換咗用 Cardas 唱臂線做耳機缐嘅 K812。我喺 Ragnarok 敗下陣來貼,講到我買K812 原因,同用果一套HD800 表現,喺中頻同低音方面,已經就算唔 ko 都可以取代到 k812,亦都發覺入錯貨,另一黑翼師兄直情賣走咗 k812。而師兄又覺得原裝 HD800 中低頻都唔掂,但又未試過換咗Cardas Clear 用 281 推嘅 HD800,咁不如師兄買套281 + Cardas Clear 配 HD800,嚟引證我係發噏風誤導其他人,亦都幫到樓主或其他人,何樂而不為呢?總好過得個拗字。

對於我嚟講,手上三石二膽枱擴,無論 k812 夾邊架,任何一方面都唔及套 HD800


其實 Fostex th610 相當唔錯又換得線,無謂因為心頭好而入錯貨,錢多另計。

kinhungw 發表於 2016-12-30 12:54




ozrayyau 發表於 2016-12-30 13:46

kinhungw 發表於 2016-12-30 12:54

各位回帖的版友,目的都是想幫樓主,因此而引起的爭拗,原因 ...

其實為咗聽好啲,不同聲音取向嘅耳牛或 Amp 係必須嘅,但又幾多個有無限金錢?
識得一個日本朋友,佢有七十幾隻耳牛,識咗佢之後,原本得幾隻牛嘅我,到今日差不多有兩打,由之前話平板唔掂,現時都已經有 HE560 同 SINE。


Keano 發表於 2016-12-30 15:07

ozrayyau 發表於 2016-12-30 13:46 static/image/common/back.gif
其實為咗聽好啲,不同聲音取向嘅耳牛或 Amp 係必須嘅,但又幾多個有無限金錢?
識得一個日本朋友,佢有七 ...

(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

kinhungw 發表於 2016-12-30 20:43

ozrayyau 發表於 2016-12-30 13:46 static/image/common/back.gif
其實為咗聽好啲,不同聲音取向嘅耳牛或 Amp 係必須嘅,但又幾多個有無限金錢?
識得一個日本朋友,佢有七 ...


ozrayyau 發表於 2016-12-30 21:32

kinhungw 發表於 2016-12-30 20:43


t1174 發表於 2016-12-30 22:01

現在一只 hp 可以10k plus... 買70支,錢,我想的確是問題,安置當然還是問題啦。

t1174 發表於 2016-12-30 22:30

我沒有 k812, 只在不同場合聽過數次,但在其聲音上總是感覺冇乜前景,好像聽n 次也是一個聲,聽唔到系統的進步,除了第一次聽十分衰聲那次。。。。
還真是有冇機會聽到推好推到 k812 真正上限的機會呢?
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