mc27588 發表於 2017-7-5 16:07

{:6_149:} {:6_149:} {:6_149:}

oldlee76 發表於 2017-7-9 15:06

我刀想知 13xxx 係邊間鋪買?請pm我 謝謝{:1_245:}

toywoof 發表於 2017-7-15 09:15


tamsaiming2003 發表於 2017-7-21 22:26

From what hi-fi

oldlee76 發表於 2017-7-22 17:44

請問師兄Mac OS app 係邊度下載,搵咗好耐都搵到{:6_136:}

IOS app 一搵就搵到,已經搞掂左

Mac OS 用wifi connect LS50 係咪其實唔使用 app, 應該點搞,請指教,謝謝!{:6_195:}

oldlee76 發表於 2017-7-23 11:15

Mac 真係用唔到wifi E+只好用 bluetooth, 睇泥要搵條 6m 長 USB{:6_136:}{:6_136:}{:6_136:}

tamsaiming2003 發表於 2017-7-23 11:28

oldlee76 發表於 2017-7-22 17:44
請問師兄Mac OS app 係邊度下載,搵咗好耐都搵到

IOS app 一搵就搵到,已經搞掂左

There is no offiical app for Mac OS, just like there is no official app for Windows. Maybe DLNA/Upnp app?

tamsaiming2003 發表於 2017-7-23 11:31

oldlee76 發表於 2017-7-23 11:15
Mac 真係用唔到wifi E+只好用 bluetooth, 睇泥要搵條 6m 長 USB...

You can play music via NAS. Buy a NAS compatible 5G router if you are a starter like me. Connect external hard disk or SSD to the router.
Then you can use ios app to play music from hard disk.

tamsaiming2003 發表於 2017-7-23 11:36

oldlee76 發表於 2017-7-23 11:15
Mac 真係用唔到wifi E+只好用 bluetooth, 睇泥要搵條 6m 長 USB...

You can refer to my wifi part review for reference

tamsaiming2003 發表於 2017-7-23 11:37

Guys, stay tuned for my BT part review, feat. BT vs wifi
Mainly in Cantonese this time
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