danbig 發表於 2017-1-25 13:31

If you cannot output LX59 you need to set it in Amp standby mode,
And Press the enter key + On key.
Change the setting by UP /DOWN

Mosque 發表於 2017-1-26 11:54

SonSon 發表於 2017-1-26 12:53

Mosque 發表於 2017-1-26 11:54


Dennistsui 發表於 2017-2-4 00:04

本人用LX-89,要 stand by部機然後在部機板面(不是搖控)按 enter加on進入 setting,然後按下到見到4kBD4:2:0,按左右選擇4kBD4:2:2(當然hdmi要接駁BD),就可以出4kHDR,希望幫到你{:6_189:}

AAA1 發表於 2017-2-15 22:46

Already get Atmos and DTS X!
Go to setting, disc and bluray, bluray, choose let ext amp decode
May need to install Xbox insider app from US store first

kkch 發表於 2017-2-16 10:24

AAA1 發表於 2017-2-15 22:46
Already get Atmos and DTS X!
Go to setting, disc and bluray, bluray, choose let ext amp decode
May n ...

How to install the Xbox insider app?

arcll 發表於 2017-2-16 12:26

AAA1 發表於 2017-2-15 22:46
Already get Atmos and DTS X!
Go to setting, disc and bluray, bluray, choose let ext amp decode
May n ...

Ching 出咗update咩??

AAA1 發表於 2017-2-16 12:49

Change region to US and download the xbox insider apps. Join the program and the Blu-ray setting will have option for bitstream output for ext decoder

arcll 發表於 2017-2-16 13:17

AAA1 發表於 2017-2-16 12:49
Change region to US and download the xbox insider apps. Join the program and the Blu-ray setting wil ...

原來講緊Insider Program...........都出咗2個月{:6_166:}

arcll 發表於 2017-2-16 13:18

kkch 發表於 2017-2-16 10:24
How to install the Xbox insider app?

Ching 可以參考吓

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查看完整版本: Xbox One S 終於試到真4K啦

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