(Post76 Android 手機版送出)
講得好~本來就係冇既野, 點樣都唔會有多左野比你聽到
FLAC 既用意係無損壓縮檔, 盡量做出檔案小, 失真少,又保持一定音樂質素 kitkitkit_2046 發表於 2016-11-28 11:37 static/image/common/back.gif
其實我想問好耐, CD 轉 16/44 Wav 同16/48 Wav, 44同48 係有咩分別?
我慣左手勢, 幾佰隻CD, 都順勢轉佢聽 ...
首先你要明白CD MEDIA都係DIGITAL, 16/44, 16/48 或者 16/192都係講緊數字上面取樣率bit rate, sample rate...
理論上, 數字越大, 聽到既音樂會較為豐富...
但要注意原頭既SOURCE, 普通CD - 44.1KHz你梗硬用普通軟件/家用電腦去做升頻, 升出來既檔案失真反而更多!
最好可以跟返STUDIO母帶錄製既FORMAT...例如: 24/96 或DSD
Dearyip 發表於 2016-11-28 12:14 static/image/common/back.gif
首先你要明白CD MEDIA都係DIGITAL, 16/44, 16/48 或者 16/192都係講緊數字上面取樣率bit rate, sample ra ...
DSD, Flac 24/96 or 24/192, 呢Part 我係知, 呢D 原File, 我一向都無攪, 照聽OK好耐鳥, 但係一般CD 係要改返佢做 16/44-------44, 至係正常, 咁我明曬啦, 多謝快速回答 !
咁我黎緊D 一般CD, 會改返為 44會好一點 !!{:6_148:} 白痴仔 發表於 2016-11-28 11:55 static/image/common/back.gif
樓上Ching 答左啦, 會失真呀, 用返一般轉法聽把啦, 一般CD - 16/44 {:6_148:} kitkitkit_2046 發表於 2016-11-28 12:25 static/image/common/back.gif
樓上Ching 答左啦, 會失真呀, 用返一般轉法聽把啦, 一般CD - 16/44
會失真 是真的 但最重要是轉換格式的處理方法 白痴仔 發表於 2016-11-28 12:34 static/image/common/back.gif
會失真 是真的 但最重要是轉換格式的處理方法
我都係慣常轉法, FLAC or WAV, CD 16/44 都係轉做呢兩隻算 !! kitkitkit_2046 發表於 2016-11-28 12:44 static/image/common/back.gif
我都係慣常轉法, FLAC or WAV, CD 16/44 都係轉做呢兩隻算 !!
有沒有试其它软件 如audiogate 白痴仔 發表於 2016-11-28 12:54 static/image/common/back.gif
有沒有试其它软件 如audiogate
好多都試過, 但呢隻 Audiogate 無, 好用嗎 ??
現慣用iTune 算 ! 一般CD, 夠曬聽 !!
Voxengo (朋友介紹未得間試)
This utility program was designed to allow both amateur and professional users to perform high quality sample rate conversion of WAV files.For example, if your WAV file was recorded or saved as 48000 (or 96000) file and you need it to burn onto a CD you will likely need to convert it to 44100 before that.This utility will help you to perform such conversion. r8brain also supports batch processing which is essential if you need to transfer all your project's audio data from one sample rate to another. kitkitkit_2046 發表於 2016-11-28 15:09 static/image/common/back.gif
好多都試過, 但呢隻 Audiogate 無, 好用嗎 ??
現慣用iTune 算 ! 一般CD, 夠曬聽 !!