QED XT40 Speaker Cable
QED XT40 Speaker Cable x 6 (Ask for HK$300 per wire)- Length: 2.5m
- Plugs: Amp End: QED AIRLOC Forte Banana x2
- Plugs: Speaker End: QED AIRLOC Forte Banana x2
QED XT40 Speaker Cable x 1 (Ask for HK$200)
- Plugs: Speaker End: QED AIRLOC Forte Banana x2
- Plugs: Amp End: QED AIRLOC Forte Banana x2
- Length: 1.5m
All 99.9% new and bought at Future Shop in Nov 2016 Price reduced to HK$250 and HK$150 respectively
Push Push Push interested, pls check pm 本帖最後由 ukent 於 2017-1-1 18:05 編輯
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