2160p yuv420 同 2160p rgb 有咩吾同? 邊個好D
岩岩新買PS4 PRO,但發覺電視只支援2160P YUV420 ,冇得揀RGB仲以為只要係HDMI 2.0 ,HDCP 2.2 就支援曬
PS4 pro {:6_121:}
https://www.facebook.com/groups/the.game.power/permalink/796884397121244/ 420是給4K的,比較靚D
(Post76 Android 手機版送出) YUV係色差訊號,人眼睇只睇到RGB睇唔到色差。
http://chhanthony.blogspot.hk/2011/10/blog-post.html 本帖最後由 小小波利王 於 2016-11-15 02:06 編輯
睇左上面篇文,再睇左少少外國文章,都吾知到底2160p yuv420好定 2160p RGB好?兩樣都有人話好。
第二,點解我部電視只支持yuv420? 冇得揀RGB?我部電視少左咩?影道理應該2種都有得揀?
第三,既然呢兩種格式可以轉換,咁點解吾直接整一種統一格式要轉黎轉去呢? 直接用4:4:4最好?
4:2:0包容性最好? 本帖最後由 chhanthony 於 2016-11-15 12:09 編輯
小小波利王 發表於 2016-11-15 01:21 static/image/common/back.gif
Do you read this already? You better call Sony to verify.
From what I understand, YUV420 compresses the data stream a bit, to both allow for HDR's 10-bit color scheme, as well as enable support for older 4K TVs that only have HDMI 1.4 ports. The RGB option can only be used on newer TVs with both support for RGB and HDMI 2.0 ports, but even then, it still doesn't allow for HDR imagery.
As Digital Foundry said in their review, RGB should only be used if you have a newer TV with HDMI 2.0 that doesn't have HDR support- Otherwise, use YUV420. RGB多數用係電腦 MON上, 有D新電視都食到, 不過黑位會太黑的, 唔建議用!!!!