請問Panasonic 900H 定 Sony Z9嘅1080P upscaling到4K比軟好?小第用Magic TV睇電視,想知邊一部4K電視升頻功能好。
2年前比較1080P電視同4K電視,發覺4KT V睇高清電視台幾濛,唔知近年新model有幾大改善? 師兄個人意見 你自己親身去伯記睇就最清楚
本帖最後由 wklie 於 2016-11-5 10:59 編輯
Scaling Best we’ve seen on a consumer TV
The upscaling quality on 2015 and 2016 Sony Bravias has been good though never stellar, but the KD65ZD9 – featuring the Japanese maker’s new and improved X1 Extreme processor – is a totally different beast. According to our tests, the display boasts the best standard-def upconversion we’ve seen from a consumer-grade TV so far, outperforming even that delivered by the superb OPPO 103 Blu-ray player. wklie 發表於 2016-11-5 10:58 static/image/common/back.gif
Thanks for being knowledgeable and wonderfully helpful to this forum!
問人無意思,要靚就自己睇清楚 900H 定 Z9 邊部功能好質優D重會有ching幫到手, 但只係想比較升頻效果既都係自己眼見為實好D...... 近排都有留意去睇睇
4K TV睇電視真係好似DVD咁
屋企人睇電視為主既就考慮清楚先 The previous generations of 4K TV have not done a satisfactory job of upscaling 1080P TV signals. I hope Sony Z9D and Panasonic 900H can do better.
I have also watched 1080P TV on a Panasonic 900H TV at the Panasonic store. Not very impressed, but it's hard to see the true potential of a TV at a store, since most of them have subpar TV signals and electrical power conditions. 三叔啦