發表於 2016-10-31 00:56
samuelho12 發表於 2016-10-31 00:13 static/image/common/back.gif
so the only way to do 7.1.4 is to buy a 11-channel amp?
At least one 2-ch power amp to drive surround back speakers
發表於 2016-10-31 07:52
beechan118 發表於 2016-10-31 00:56 static/image/common/back.gif
At least one 2-ch power amp to drive surround back speakers
so the originally, LX59 allows me to have 5.1.4, right?
發表於 2016-10-31 09:23
wman 發表於 2016-10-30 23:09 static/image/common/back.gif
合併機要全推11聲道 ,或許會有些吃力 ,師兄如用緊 59 ,買部兩聲道後级推前置便可以 。 ...
發表於 2016-10-31 11:54
samuelho12 發表於 2016-10-31 07:52 static/image/common/back.gif
so the originally, LX59 allows me to have 5.1.4, right?
發表於 2016-10-31 22:28
so which is better, buying a 11.2 amp or an amp only for surround back?
發表於 2016-11-1 00:14
最簡單方法係買部2ch power amp比前置pre out, 59負責其餘ch…
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)
發表於 2016-11-1 01:05
本帖最後由 beechan118 於 2016-11-1 01:09 編輯
SonSon 發表於 2016-11-1 00:14 static/image/common/back.gif
最簡單方法係買部2ch power amp比前置pre out, 59負責其餘ch…
(Post76 Android 手機版送出) ...
所以樓主可以買部7ch power amp,推前中後7隻,用59推翻天花喇叭,總之想7.1.4既,至少要有兩channel external power amp,其餘既用內置又得外加又得!
當然一部質素好既後級加59效果好過1部11ch av amp推曬啦
發表於 2016-11-1 07:37
本帖最後由 samuelho12 於 2016-11-1 07:43 編輯
beechan118 發表於 2016-11-1 01:05 static/image/common/back.gif
所以樓主可以買部7ch power amp,推前中後7隻,用59推翻天花喇叭,總之想7.1.4既,至少要有兩channel ext ...
even if I buy LX901, the result will not be as good as one 2ch/7ch power amp + 59?
發表於 2016-11-1 08:42
本帖最後由 wman 於 2016-11-1 09:58 編輯
samuelho12 發表於 2016-11-1 07:37 static/image/common/back.gif
even if I buy LX901, the result will not be as good as one 2ch/7ch power amp + 59?
所有的合併 11 聲道 Amp ,甚至是旗艦級的 , 全推 11 聲道是可以 , 但如果樓主用大型及難推些的喇叭 ,
要好聲及出到細節分析力便會有些困難 , 所以才要加後級來減輕 Amp 的負擔 ,
所以以樓主的情况 , 加部後級便可以 !
利申 : 現用 901 , 11 聲道全由後級處理 .
發表於 2016-11-1 09:46
wman 發表於 2016-11-1 08:42 static/image/common/back.gif
所有的合併 Amp ,甚至是旗艦級的 , 全推 11 聲道是可以 , 但如果樓主用大型及難推些的喇叭 , 要好聲及出 ...
wow 11 聲道全由後級處理?
so what's the function your 901 then?
also, can you recommend some nice 後級 for me to consider? Thanks!