chhanthony 發表於 2016-10-19 10:48

[轉載]THX Purchased by PC Gaming Company Razer

本帖最後由 chhanthony 於 2016-10-19 10:50 編輯

Numerous tech news outlets including The Verge, TechCruch, and CNET report that THX, the audio and video quality-obsessed company founded by George Lucas, has been sold to Razer, the well-known PC Gaming accessory and laptop manufacturer based in Irvine, CA. According to Razer, THX will not lose any of its current staff, and will continue to operate independently. In a pre-announcement interview, CEO Min-Liang Tan told The Verge that the “main reason for the acquisition is the phenomenal brand that THX have.”

Razer purchased THX from Creative Labs, the maker of PC audio hardware as well as headphones and portable speakers. THX got its start as the brainchild of George Lucas and exists primarily as a quality-assurance program. There is no such thing as THX format, rather the company works to certify that systems can accurately reproduce content as the creator saw and heard it. To that end, Razor sees potential for THX in the expanding Chinese commercial cinema market. Of course the fear is that Razer will not be able to resist the temptation to use the THX logo on its own products, but hopefully it is conscientious about preserving that brand’s integrity.

Encouragingly, in the CNET article, Min-Liang Tang is quoted saying “You shouldn’t expect to see any ‘THX by Razer’ or other such cross-branding. But the thought is that, perhaps behind the scenes, the two companies could work together.” Then again, he also told CNET that “We do hope to get our products certified by THX.”

yuppi 發表於 2016-10-19 11:13

THX 已經變成一個冇認受性既品牌認証, 難怪越來越冇產品"買"佢個 LOGO....

xianglan 發表於 2016-10-19 11:14


chhanthony 發表於 2016-10-19 11:36

A New Beginning for THX: Why I Sold My Company in My First Year
by Ty Ahmad-Taylor, CEO, THX Ltd.

I am coming up on my year anniversary at THX. This is what I said we would do when I arrived.
I am happy to announce that those efforts will continue: Razer has purchased our company this month.
We now have the resources of the most popular gaming hardware company in the world as our corporate parent.
We will continue to focus on providing superior audio-video experiences in the home, in the cinema, on the go, in your cars and concerts like Beyoncé’s Formation tour.
We have three lines of business: Certification (ensuring the highest audio-visual quality of products), THX Live! (optimizing other’s systems) and THX Inside (using our core technologies in partner products.)
We will continue to grow our certification business, acting as a guarantor of audio-video quality for consumer electronics companies, cinema chains, online streaming services, cable and satellite operators as well as auto makers.
THX Live!
We will continue working with some of the world’s biggest performers and the largest venues to provide best in class audio experiences. When you go to a concert, you should be able to hear everything clearly, from the front row to the back of the arena.
When you set up your system at home, you should be able to get the highest quality experience possible with that equipment, using our TuneUp product.
THX Inside
From our AAA high-fidelity, low-power amplifier chip to our speaker technologies, we make consumer products sound better, perform better, and deliver the best acoustic experience possible.
What does that mean for partners?
For partners, we are offering additional certification lines. These include headphones, Bluetooth speakers, streaming video, set-top boxes and connected speakers (similar to Sonos speakers.)
We are also streamlining the certification process to provide the same value to partners in a shorter time-frame.
Yes, but why did you sell?
We sold because Razer gives us a rock-solid foundation for executing on the three core areas of business. We will function as a standalone unit. However, I wouldn’t be surprised if we launched a few joint products with Razer.
I am reporting to Min-Liang Tan, the CEO of Razer, and he and I have a shared vision for creating great products that solve customer problems (his in gaming, mine in audio-video.)
If one were to allege that we did the deal solely to get access to discounts on Razer equipment, I would have to demur and suggest that that is a weak and partially accurate accusation. ;)
Why did Razer acquire us?
They believe in the incredible collection of world-class audio-visual engineers, software developers, product leaders, and industry experts that make up THX, as well as the team that supports them operationally.
Moreover, we have a comprehensive set of intellectual property that we continue to exploit, along with an A-plus brand (in terms of recognition and sentiment.)
I will continue to run things with a lean-startup ethos, using customer development techniques to get to product-market fit, but with the benefit of the existing customer relationships and established brand equity.
How will this affect the overall gaming market?
We are interested in providing superior audio-visual experiences. As gaming bridges into VR, we expect to play a leadership role in the audio portion of that experience, which is crucial for completion the immersion into virtual worlds.
What’s next?
We are going to continue to grow our business, deliver value to current partners, and focus on executional and operational crispness (doing what we said would do in a timely fashion.)
If you are a business that wants to . . .
provide superior experiences to your customers
allowing you to charge more, at higher margins
. . . you can reach us at
I am very excited about better sound, better video, and better experiences for everyone in the future.
Originally published:

chhanthony 發表於 2016-10-19 11:37

yuppi 發表於 2016-10-19 11:13 static/image/common/back.gif
THX 已經變成一個冇認受性既品牌認証, 難怪越來越冇產品"買"佢個 LOGO....

ISF also.....

yuppi 發表於 2016-10-19 14:58

chhanthony 發表於 2016-10-19 11:37 static/image/common/back.gif
ISF also.....

冇咗魯卡斯既 THX 等於冇咗佢既星戰一樣,冇哂靈魂,得番個殻⋯
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