一個靚嘅earphone 錄起歌上嚟都開心啲
最近買咗 "容祖咪" 唱歌,雖然音質就... 都算可以啦~都真係唔錯嘅 過得去吓但錄音時 如果真係一個弱earphone 真係唔掂... 淨係聽音樂都已經覺得唔舒服,所有野都好浮... 想換個新earphone 大家有無推介? 其實錄音咪要求是要真、快、準。
建議樓主先去試一下 SE 425 可否接受。
Audio-Technica ATH-M50x
Sony MDR7506
Sennheiser HD 380
AKG K 240
Sennheiser HD-280
簡單些判斷,如果賣比你的包裝中,沒有一條特長綫,該耳機/筒就唔是 Studio 級別。
https://cnet4.cbsistatic.com/img/H1VlZBO9T3gPh_03SsRD2ssyeLg=/620x0/2013/07/18/a3788a93-84c6-11e3-beb9-14feb5ca9861/Sony_MDR-7506_30236247_01.jpg 樓主想幾professional先?例如真係studio level 定點?其實市面上好多,睇你點揀啫 我想買個聽到detail多少少、唔同樂器擺位同音色嘅earphone, d音可以準啲同sharp少少,咁有時剪片、錄音聽歌都好啲 食魚蛋 發表於 2016-10-20 15:59 static/image/common/back.gif
我想買個聽到detail多少少、唔同樂器擺位同音色嘅earphone, d音可以準啲同sharp少少,咁有時剪片、錄音聽歌 ...
InEar Monitoring StageDiver 應該合你心水
"InEar網頁上Stage Diver系列簡介
The ultimate universal earphone made by ear. Here, our engineers have created a handset that fits perfectly in virtually any ear and is also externally indistinguishable from a matched system no. The basis for the case design was created by digital »superposition" of over 500 different ear impressions, as well as in-house prototyping. Many wear tests on "living ear," refined the design. In the final result we have one of the ear anatomy aligned, first-class housing by form Stop place, create earphones!
For optimum protection in the ear canal, we have three different sized ear tips S - M - L in the program. Of course, even here an individual adaptation of a otoplasty (small plug version) done!
Advantages of Stage Diver series
Perfect sound through high-quality drivers and crossover component precisely coordinated
Insulation of external noise by about 26 dB
Replaceable ear wax filter (filter for ear wax)
The cables used meet the global standard for in-ear monitors that are interchangeable and pass through the incorporated bending wire securely behind the ear"
By the way, 樓主試過 Shure 425 未? 如果自己錄歌同做埋Mixing既,有隻幾正可以諗諗,叫UE RR,不過係CM黎要訂做,可能等兩星期左右,本身隻野就由Capitol Studio調音過冇得輸啦,出面好多Music Producer/engineer都會係Studio用佢黎做reference sound。不過慢工出細貨,想聽好D就要付出吓既樓主。 不過呢隻又真係正既,但就要8k左右。睇你點睇啦,如果工作需要或個人喜好,都係唔錯既選擇丫! 1964 U10算吾算? 試過, 個背景, LAYER分得好清 ... 偏向屬於一隻好誠實既塞仔