Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children《柏鳥小姐的童幻世界》
自己唔算太喜歡TIM BOUTON的戲, 所以上映咁耐都一直冇去睇.結果係朋友的推介下, 尋日都係去了METROPLEX睇4K全景聲版.
美術係OK的, 雖然未算係佢的最好, 特技也出色, 整體係一套暗色的童話故事, 其實諗真D, 以前的童話, 如格林, 安徒生, 好多都係好灰或傷感的, 只係迪士尼DD卡通公司為了SELL佢地先包裝到好開心咁.
請注意, 以下有少少劇情:
呢套戲好出色的利用了一D特殊能力的人, 去造就了呢個好SAD的童話故事, 永生但不會長大, 安全但不能外出, 每日重複咁一D必定會發生的事, 班小朋友好似個個判哂無期徒刑咁.
而睇到咁上下, 知道了中文點解譯成[柏鳥]後, 真係有D無言...音譯不成, 意譯不就, 雖然的確係有難度, 但結果都係SO SAD...
而各小女孩都好可愛, 主角更係十足大眼皇后 =ANNE HALFAWAY的兒童版~
整套戲係好睇的, EVA GREEN同一班小朋友都好出色, 呢套可以話係EVA咁多戲中最討好的角色, 但總覺得個演繹太似JOHNNY DEPP了...
其他野嘛, 外景, 美術都係上乘之作, 喜歡睇童話或奇幻的朋友, 呢套值得睇, 好過四眼細路巫師多多聲.
A children version to X-Men{:1_352:} Vigilante 發表於 2016-10-12 16:59 static/image/common/back.gif
A children version to X-Men
you can certainly say it again! Frankly, I was so reluctant to watch this movie beforehand as I assumed it would be another "Alice in the Wonderland". However, I watched it with my sister a few days ago at her request. And surprisingly, it turned out to be one of my favourite movies of 2016. Even though the plot is not flawless, it's still able to deliver something solid, the entire cast delivered good acting and the background music is resonating. I'd give it a B+!