終於完成了 SR5010,PM8005.恭喜新西裝!{:1_326:} 本帖最後由 beechan118 於 2016-9-27 02:34 編輯
兩部掉番上下放好似好d bor 聽著先喇{:6_193:} beechan118 發表於 2016-9-27 01:41 static/image/common/back.gif
兩部掉番上下放好似好d bor
因為唔夠位。唯有放住先。況且8005比較深,所以方便啲。 ching, 請問您用PRE OUT 點搭線呢? 可否影幾張後面圖比我學下野? THX littlesweet 發表於 2016-9-29 09:24 static/image/common/back.gif
ching, 請問您用PRE OUT 點搭線呢? 可否影幾張後面圖比我學下野? THX
ching, where to buy, can pm to tell? thx {:1_351:} {:6_193:}{:6_193:}{:6_193:} littlesweet 發表於 2016-9-29 10:10 static/image/common/back.gif
ching, where to buy, can pm to tell? thx
AV xxxx