Sony BDP-S765 真係咁好聲 ... !?
本帖最後由 wil-wil 於 2009-11-19 14:47 編輯
呢部 BDP 推出日子雖然唔太耐,但都見好幾位版友買左,真係想聽聽佢都既用家心得{:6_134:}
事源今日同位朋友傾開,佢自己一向都係 P 仔 Fans,最近有幸試過都話呢部機好好聲! 真係咁好聲!? 畫質又如何? 先唔好談論價錢抵唔抵買,用過既出黎分享 ... 黎緊 Onkyo 5007 既測試會真係要爭取試試呢部野先! 黎緊 Onkyo 5007 既測試會????
Oh good!!! Revenge battle!! I like it!!!
Pair up with what speakers? B&W this time?
So exciting ar....
Sorry on replying unrelated stuff in this post... 小弟都好想知 {:6_211:}
如果音效仲好過 p 仔, 咁真係 {:6_193:} 無問題 ... 應該下星期四 ~ 26 號。
現在夾緊播放器材既清單,所以聽到呢個消息都爭取緊試埋呢部 BDP!
黎緊 Onkyo 5007 既測試會????
Oh good!!! Revenge battle!! I like it!!!
Pair up with what speakers? B&W this time?
So exciting ar....
Sorry on replying unrelated stuff in this post...
mightyatoms 發表於 2009-11-19 14:47 {:6_157:}I llke it. I join I join. {:6_237:}I Join...I miss Onkyo 5007 既測試會 last time!{:6_237:} Onkyo5007 + Sony765超期待,可否現在報名{:6_157:} But if you use bit stream and decode by onkyo 5007, then it should be no different compare with other blu-ray players.
{:6_141:} Onkyo5007 + Sony765超期待,可否現在報名{:6_157:}
hunghung4 發表於 22-11-2009 12:23
安橋 TX-NR5007 皇者終極體驗會 我想問部機可唔可插USB 之後聽歌MP3
我E+插USB 點解只可以播相=.=???